Year 2024 – the worst ugly Face of the Seven years of famine (economical Crisis) commences…… – (Mindset Media News!)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Apostle Ngabo
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7 years from 2024 to 2031: – is A Time of Self-discipline, improving & developing of one’s self, and community!
Genesis 41:25-27:
25 Then Joseph said to Pharaoh, “The dreams of Pharaoh are one; God has shown Pharaoh what He is about to do:
26 The seven good cows are seven years, and the seven good heads are seven years; the dreams are one.
27 And the seven thin and ugly cows which came up after them are seven years, and the seven empty heads blighted by the east wind are seven years of famine.
The fat cows [being the previous years, and every achievement that was achieved in those years,
All that is going to be (swallowed up by the ugly thin seven cows).
What are the ugly thin seven cows all about?
The seven ugly thin cows represent the SEVEN YEARS of disciplining our human behaviors,
so that we may overcome, apply justice where its required, and also combat the psychological status (mental and emotional disorder),
which is being expressed via our bad human selfish traits of;
– Loving money, more than caring for humanity, community, and unity.
– Using of the scales of dishonesty in business, human sacrifice done via abortion, the forsaking of our Godly responsibilities in our homes, families etc.
– The pursuit of materialistic gain and career success that is driven by the passion for self-interest, individualism, and pride
– The politics (leadership structures) that have divided us into argumentative groups of people who oppose good, and support evil.
– The prostituting of our daughters, the commercial of promoting sexual immorality, intermarriages, women as sexual objects, perverted behaviors of homosexuality,
which are used to oppose and despise the Holy structure of holiness in marriages, and the purpose of marriage as it was designed by God.
All these negative behaviors (mentioned above) have reached their dysfunctional state called “malfunctioning” (hormonal imbalance, mental illness, economic crisis,
crime, disabilities, corruption, climate-changing towards its status of becoming worse, arrogance, unhealthy habits (sicknesses),
extreme rebellion among the youth, natural disasters, the despising of God, and the throwing away of our Godly morals from our homes, schools, institutes, governments etc,
which is being displayed via the evil face or countenance (evil nephilim) of the 7 ugly thin cows portrayed in human behaviors..
During these seven years (2024 to 2031) when the ugly cows (immoral negative evil Nephilims, expressions of evil currency) are displaying (exposing) their agenda, weaknesses, sick status,
and also, as they are trying to collaborate among themselves, so that they may achieve their evil goals.
2024 as we move foward;
Concerning those who care about the good of their people, environment, and nation,
this is the time of investing, carrying out services, and a time of deposting the things that we are good at doing as a united system,
depositing them into the positive flow of currency which plays the role of;
1 – Developing (making better, and bringing into manifestion) the positive image of community developments, and collective team work in our societies.
2 – The improving of our cultural transactions in barter exchange, trade, business sector, agriculture, and the industrialising of our vocational skills, productions, and services
3 – The electing of identities that exposes intergrity, faithfulness, honesty, and Godly morals as our representatives in institutional structures of leadership,
Our Agenda and Aim:
Our aim is to mentor, teach, father, brand, and to allow the positive nephilim of organic and Godly identity, or inside world) that is contained in humans,
to be able to discover, heal, express, exhibit, and to surface one’s morality (attributes and ethics) via the 12 zodiac segments [moons, monthly activities, and annual intervals) of life.
Hebrew month = Sivan – Nisan, Yitro Jethro parshah..