Why do marriages FAIL? – (Mindset Media News)
Short Video / Article:
One reason why marriages do not work, it’s because the husband doesn’t “LEAD” and the wife doesn’t “HELP”.
The woman has become his competitor instead of his compliment. And one of the problem we are facing in the world today is the pressure coming from the society which is constantly telling the wife that;
Do not allow your life to be submitted and to serve your husband’s purpose, you go out and seek your own success, fame, career which serves your own personal interests…
“You go out and compete with him, any thing he can do, you can do better
The problem is, when ever a woman looses sight of what God had created her to do inside the household,
she’s not competing with her husband, she is competing with God’s purpose, and when you compete with God’s purpose; guess who never wins? YOU!
Accept this fact;
Your man needs help, and what does he need help with? EVERY THING! and how you help him is the way your measure your willingness to submit to God’s word..
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