Why do I fail to do the things that I need to get done? (T C.Ngabo, God’s Court house)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Apostle Ngabo
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You do not fail because you are failure;
People fail to do the things they have promised or need to do because,
Point number 1:
1: lack of having a disciplined competence (capacity), and mapline (written down plan) of astrogical schedule (time table),
that upholds the attributed economical value (omen of blessing, good fortune), which pertains to the mission (objectives, and purposes) of one’s life.
Point number 2:
2: lack of having a clear SWOT analysis of someone’s strength, and weakenesses.
Point number 3:
3: Lack of having a feasibility studied information about one’s resistance (risk zones) that are contained in the environment (region, ecosystem,
neighbourhood, political energies, air, sound waves, radiating frequencies, negative social media) which plays the role of oppossing change …
Point number 4:
4: Lack of having a clear picture of what one needs to learn (submit, sacrifice to attain, courses that one needs to take,
investiments that one needs to do, offerings that one needs to surrender unto to God through the seasons that makes up our cycle of life,
and the good relationships that one must have) to enable him/her to gain the energies (wisdom,
courage, faith, confidence, strength, favor, attributes, blessing) that he/she needs to be able to attain his goals…
Point number 5:
5: Lack of spiritual (endorsement), covering, and authority that enables a person to be able to overcome (to attain prayer, cloud of covering),
so that one may be victorious over the temptations, spiritual road blocks, Omen of horoscope, ancestral iniquities of (hinderances, witchcraft), negative habits etc.
Point number 6:
6: Lack of having a team (aboard) that can agree (memorandum of understanding), hold one accountable,
keep one’s moral (good) performance in check, remind, support, mentor, administrate, pray for, lacking the counsel of well wishers etc.
Last but not list;
Point number 7:
7: Not knowing or having a clear picture about one’s victimised status of being a consumer (slave) who is committed to the buying, recieving money stained with blood shade, corruption,
and also being enslaved to the (consuming) of services and products of his/her master who is (a non well-wisher)…
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