Virgo ♍ (Virgin) -zodiac sign of ELUL (Mindset Media News)
Apostle Ngabo
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Considering the seriousness of the Month’s activities, it
is some what surprising that the rabbis did not find an interpretation for the zodiac sign in keeping with its spirit.
The Zodiac sign of the sixth month called “Elul” on the Hebrew calendar is ”Virgo”.
The word “Virgo” means “the virgin”;
and the best they could do was to state that Israel can be compared to a virgin, presumably because of its purity.
Elul as a month also stands for the feminine nature (mother nature), corresponding to the Shekinah presence (as its written in Revelation 21:1-27), that is activated into the world via this month (the Zodiac sign of Virgin) starting on the New Moon of Elul, and goes on for 40 days (finishing on the day of Atonement).
The Song of Solomon:
The book called “Song of Solomon” reflects the purpose of the Zodiac sign related to the month of Elul….
This why the book of Song of Solomon is read during ELUL.
Mary conceives God’s seed:
Matthew 1:23 says:
“behold, the virgin shall be with a child, and bear a son,
and they shall call His name Immanuel”, which is translated God is with us.
In this sixth month of virgin, the angel came to Mary,
Due to the spiritual state and purity of Mary’s life that she was induring that season,
which was also lining up with the purpose of the sixth month, God decided to impregnate Mary’s womb with a seed of His holy Child.
But we can go further and say that the symbol of the virgin fits this month,
being the month in which God’s people strives to wipe their minds clean from the images that have infiltrated their brain in the past year,
so that they may rediscover the innocence of their first love that they once had with God in the Garden of Eden.
Elul – season of intimancy:
The sex month of Elul, also marks season when the energies of intimancy (into me see) with God intensifies.
Elul is a busy month of preparing to be reborn and reunite the vision, (third eye, pineal gland) of our mind with God’s image or imagination.
The purpose of Elul:
40 days of fasting:
Elul is a time of keeping ourselves pure and clean for the sake of pleasing, seeking after God’s Holy presence,
and connecting humanity back into the Hebraic mindset, or meditation of our bridegroom Yeshua Hamashaic).
Article written by Ap Ngabo Alex for conscious lifestyle
6th sixth month Elul, August, September, fasting 40.days
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