The citizines of the third world invest alot into their social problems, misfortunes, sudden deaths of their relatives, the cycle of horoscope (evil calendar), risk zones, bad manners, bad habits, relatives that exist to consume, live off someone’s faithfulness and hard work,
untill; when the one who has managed to have a fair enough income among the family members, also ends up drawning into the Spirit of poverty that he invests into.
3rd world-
Being in the status where the people have failed to structure a working system that unites them together,
so that they may overcome their cultural misfortunes, and find positive solutions that solves their analysis which makes up their riskzones and weaknesses…
Revelation 17: Rev 18:
Investing into the immoral woman & the evil man:
3rd world countries that keeps on giving into the emotional support – using the corrupted traits of immorality, human trafficking,
self seeking interests (hustlers hustling the system to make ends meat), scales of deception practiced in Business, witchcraft, prostitution, fornication, drunkness.
Tax money:
They have a system of tax collection which has been hijacked by corruption (bribery, greedy ministers who do not care about the wellbeing of their citizines),
and most their money (Cush flow) is spent into the negative habits that deprives their citizines from their moral rights, wellbeing, peace, justice, and Godly ethics..
Indirect tax collection:
Third world countries are over plagued with the slay queens (immoral women as written in Leviticus 19:29),
who plays the role of becoming the societies indirect tax collectors that hinders the male gender from serving God well,
blocking him from being able to use his Godly morals to progress, and to successfully participate in community developmental programs.
Indirect tax collectors that Makes (the man) to fail to be able to pass on, and to transfer the knowledge (responsibility) of his legacy (inheritance of his Loins, father’s house) that pertains to his cultural heritage, into his next generation…
Concerning marriage:
Even when third world countries send their members into marriage, the marriage will still establish their poverty mindset, and the status of the misled female ovaries that emphasises their weakenesses (extrem emotional, immoral woman, the status that transforms into witchcraft, conflicts between male and female in marriage),
due to the lack of Godly teachings which reveals the Godly purpose of marriage, and preparing those who are going to get married before marriage.
Marriages which are done as a traditional token of showing off that their children are getting married,
but when they are using borrowed money with a high interest rate, emotionally supporting married spouses who lack Godly manners (lacking the butchelor’s, and the butchelorrette’s degree),
and the beneficiaries for such an occassion being the private companies that prepares and organizes the marriage events etc.
Third world businesses:
Business which are gravitated towards the building of a private interests, spirit of fornication spreading forth via the selfish interests of the immoral woman, (the Spirit of individualism, human sacrifice,
men using women as sexual toys of sexual pleasure, turning their daughters into harlots = Lev 19:29).
Third world political system:
Ruled and governed by a political system which divides the people and rules them via their status of division, political arguments, full of disagreements, refusal to submit, unforgiving towards each other, competitive, jealous, discriminative, individualism etc…
Governed by presidents:
– Resist, oppose and hinder their Autonomous identiy and status of sovereignty from maintaining its moral order, Goldy agenda, and cultural heritage…
– Abort their status of industrializing of their communities..
– Let them Depend on donations and hands out coming from the western LGTBQ and PEDOPHILE organizations…
Tax money:
Let them corrupt their tax system, making it serve the greedy bellies of their ministers, rather than serving the collective system (MOU, collective objectives) of their citizines.
Education System:
Having a schools system that are driven by the private interets of profit making..
And government schools that contain tired, lacking inspiration, un paid type of teachers….
The first thing they did was to use the bible to structure their homes, and their organizations in their formulars of (charity organizations, non profit organization) and social enterprises that pertains to culture of Social economics…
They first agreed upon their collective SWOT analysis.
They then Used the bible, the word of God to overcome their collective SWOT analysis by using the biblical principles to structure their organizations, institutes, welfare system, tax system etc…
In Sweden where alcohol was plaguing their citizines, they used the biblical 12 steps from addiction to the betterment of the lives of their victims…
To well organize and establish their welfare, and culture of Sharing which invested into the requirements of their developments.
They copied the principle of tithing, and transformed it into the system of Taxing..
And they then came up with a percentage that they took off their income, so that it may return back into their collective desires, objectives, mission, intention, goals of developing their citizines, society and community…
After that;
They then put into function social enterprise form of structure of businesses, building construction companies etc,
which played the role of working with a higher level of honesty, intergrity, faithfulness, trustworthy, time keeping, justice, transparency, accountability etc,
so that the needs of their homes (marriage), families, society, communities may be met…
And they fought the spirit of private companies (individualism- (companies whose agenda is to make profit).
They controlled them via the structure of Cooperative, Social, Responsibility that ended up putting high taxes on the private businesses,
and thye also Exposed those companies into the culture of investing, and working partnership with charitable, and non profit organizations that takes care of the needs of heir citizines (those who do community work).