They are Trying to CURSE Africa, to take OVER Africa… – (Mindset Media News!)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Apostle Ngabo
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The white people (colonizers of Africa, and the globalists) who do not want to see any thing good happen to Africa,
They have decided to use the seasons of Halloween, Easter, Christmass, and the day of the Sun (Sunday) as their time frames to curse, cast spells, do the rituals of necromancer (calling upon all the wicked dead evil leaders, and the white man’s pagan gods),
so that their evil energies may surface the earth to curse Africa…
God’s word released on 4th of Nov 2024 fell on the 3rd of Cheshvan on God’s Jewish Calendar;
They are trying to put into full force the uttered curse of Noah in
Genesis 9:25-27:
Noah said “Cursed be CANAAN; A (slave) of (slaves) He shall be to his brethren.”
The Canaanite traits shall be a slave to Europe (Japhet) and (Shem) Midddle east,
This is one of the themes and projected evil that the secrete society of Illuminati, and the white secrete society of Brotherhood in South Africa uses to keep Africa into its poverished state.
So they say;
if it’s time for Africa to rise, let’s divert and make them miss their appointed season”…
* Let’s unleashe curses, decree and enforce political laws that groups them into political groupings which disagrees, opposes, and always finding fault to accuse each other,
* let the conflicts (genocide, mob justice, strife, revenge, hate) among tribes, families become forms of war, division that leads to instabilities in the region, introducing perversion, greed, corruption, disunity, sexual immorality over their Land.
* Lets impliment birth control methods to depopulate them, increase GMO foods, pharmaceutical drugs that will plague them with sicknesses, make their women into extreme feminists, so that they may rebel against their husbands.
* Let us force them to ligalize homosexuality, lesbianism, run businesses that incubates the bad habits of (criminal traits, drunkeness, incest, prostitution, womanizers, corruption etc),
which are generated, and incubated from bars, discos, wild parties, wild festivals, places of batting etc, to play the role of hindering their prayers from being answered.
And let God’s wrath, judgements, and disapproval put us into the place of becoming the white superior race who will enslave them, be their masters, and also take over their cultures, minerals, land, inheritance, land, and continent…
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Article written by Apostle Ngabo