The Globalists who are trying to control all the worldly events;
We are in a time where they are trying to push for a global third-world War (supporting terrorism, trying to make the terrorists acquire nuclear weapons,
– releasing the terrorists from their criminal cases, mixing them up with the civilians to cause more Chaos, (opening up borders to spread their chaos),
– they are stirring up wars (tribal conflicts, divisions, disagreements among tribes) in different countries etc),
– supporting extreme feminism with the agenda to generate strife, pride, and arrogance in women, leading to division, divorce, disagreements, and domestic violence in families, marriages, etc,
so that they may use WAR as a platform for conjuring forth a shift that will benefit the globalists and their evil agenda which they want to use to bring into existence their NEW WORLD ORDER.
Concerning the economy and papper money:
They want to expire the papper money (make papper money to come to its end, overwelm the world with inflation, financial crisis, and political conflicts),
Doing all this with the aim of introducing the digital currency (buying and selling using internet currency that is transacted through AIR) which will enable them to quickly usher in the the mark (microchip) of the beast 666…
Really! What is the aim?
They trying to cause a world wide chaos through war, immunization, using pharmaceutical drugs as bilogical weapons, ligalizing of homosexuality, feeding the world with gentic modiefied organisms (foods), forcing farmers to go GMO,
so that it may enable them to put upfront their agenda, weaken the mass, making them feeble, confused, ignorant, spiritually empty, sick, putting humanity into the status of lacking the capacity to resist their evil plans…
But they are decieving themselves;
The same chaos they are trying to use as a platform of ushering in their evil agenda, its going to be the same method that the God of Israel, the God of Adam, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is going to use to retaliate their evil ways upon their own heads, and also utilize it as their defeat, and self destruction.
Who are those you are calling they?
This article has its continuation in part two…
It’s Time to Pray so that we may be found worthy to escape these evil agendas of the Evil Globalists …..
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