The seven emotions & three faculties explained
Apostle Ngabo
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Seven emotions & the three faculties:
According to the Chassidic biblical teachings;
A human soul is made up 10 (ten) attributes:
And in the human brain there are three faculties known as:
1: Chochmah – Wisdom or Intellect
2: Binah – Understanding
3: Daat – Knowledge
Purpose of the 3 faculties:
The 3 faculties must be focused & directed towards the presence of God that is in the Holy of Holies:
It is the 3 faculties that tunes, harmonizes, brings forth God’s understanding, vision, synchronizer,
Brings God’s imagination, wisdom, & unites the 7 emotions into their status of becoming one with the spiritual truth of God.
The 7 emotions:
And in within the same human soul, there are also seven emotions.
The hebrew names of the seven emotions and there English translation is as stated below.
1: Chesed hebrew name meaning; Love and Kindness.
2: Gevurah hebrew name meaning; Discipline, and Vigor.
3: Tiferet meaning; Beauty, Harmony and Compassion.
4: Netzach meaning; Victory, Endurance and Determination.
5: Hod meaning; Humility and Devotion.
6: Yesod meaning; Bounding, Foundation and Connection.
7: Malchut meaning; Majesty, Sabbath, Harmony, Kingship and Dignity.
What hinders the human emotions from reaching their identity of spiritual truth?
And the sin of Miriam (Eve, Jazabel Delilah etc).
The healing of the 7 emotions:
And those 7 weeks (50 days) finishes on Pentecost, that is the season that God uses to heal & restore the 7 emotions…