Movie, and Music celebrities, and the culture of VULGAR entertainment have overthrown the protocol of order, Godly values, good manners, and the traits of moral ethics in our schools….
it’s like as if parents send their children to school to become twerkers, a display of bending over sexual expressions,
male genders turned into sexual impulse who are quick at getting attracted, and responsive towards the outerward female’s sexual beauty,
energetic organisms who are craving to get their private parts entertained, but are not ready to become responsible fathers…
What is the purpose of a school?
Schools and academic institutes are supposed to be fields of training good manners, positive ethics, sensitizing the student’s awareness about the requirements (responsibility) that they hold as citizines concerning their environment etc.
Ability to Discern:
Equiping the students with the discernment to be able to separate GOOD from BAD, Unclean from Clean, Holy from Unholiness, Evil from Godly, Satan from God.
Bring the field that cultivates the student’s character, by enabling them to partake (study, understand, and practice) the protocol of mutual respect, the act of obeying of the instructions that are given to them by their teachers and school board,
so that they may gain knowledge, and learn skills to enhance, and acquire the attributes of intergrity, faithfulnes, humbleness, honesty, customer service, submisiveness, professionalism and servitude etc.
Today in this generation;
Schools have become Democratic platforms where the opinions of having fun, selecting of sexual partners,
and a place (network) where one gets to enjoy, hang out with his friends, and also share the energies (social media), exciting moments that derives from one’s secular music stars, famous celebrities of one’s choice etc.
Having syllabuses that gives the students the opportunity of
– Meeting themselves on school disco dance floors, interacting with each other via songs with vulgar sexual lyrics
– Study tours where students go to beaches to swim, enjoying musical vibes that speaks to their erotic, wild, and porngraphic fantasies,
– Getting exposed to bars that can sell them alcohol, intoxicating drinks
– Peeping at each other’s sexual appearances, as they are showing off their body shapes in their swimming costumes…
School environments that are failing to put up boundaries, and apply protocols that can mentor, implement discipline,
and also allow the student’s academic progress and ability to achieve their visualized, and desired goals to take form.
“It’s right about time we return our school system back to its formular of cultivating our positive leaders of tomorrow”….