: a usually assigned piece of work often to be finished within a certain time. b.: duty, function.
countable noun.
A task is an activity or piece of work which you have to do, usually as part of a larger project.
(Think big, have a big vision, but be active, accessible, engaged, follow up and also be attentive to those small TASKS,
which will finally mount up, or add up to make the bigger vision into a reality).
The people who are faithful, committed, honest, available, obedient, working as a team, and helpful during the process of doing the small tasks,
those can become and (develop) into skills (trustworthy, competence), and serving attitude that can execute the requirements, and fulfill the responsibilities of doing the bigger projects…
Before something is done as a big project, it must first be done (assigned) to people in a formular of small Tasks…
Before you are able to do a big project of cooking food to feed 30 people, there are small tasks that needs to be done,
Like; sending someone down the road to buy salt, and other ingredients, you may need help to organize the sits where those thirty people will sit etc…
On a psychological Level:
There are tasks that are instinctual;
which are given into someone’s capability to respond, not as a direct command, but as an indirect instruction.
In within the environment of doing a project; the passion, strong desire and faithfulness of those who are part of doing the TASKS which are related to the bigger project,
Some people (task doers) who really care for the objectives, goals, mision and vision of the Project (ministry or organization),
will find themselves going an extra mile to even fulfill the indirect instructions that pertains to the best way of fulfilling the task.
Such people are always ready to offer, give up, submit, and scrifice themselves (sacrificing their personal interests, desires, pleasures, individualism, pride, emotions of finding fault, misjudgements, distrust, and even money),
with the aim wanting to see the task carried out, so that the bigger vision of the Organization may be attained.
Some common synonyms of task are assignment, chore, duty, job, and stint.