Statement of belief – The Council of Ngabo (God’s courthouse) – (T C.Ngabo, God’s Court house)
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The Council of Ngabo – God’s Court-house (The Kingdom of God, Celebrate Uganda) – Statement of belief:
We believe that God has manifested Himself to humanity through
1: God the Father,
2: The Son and
3: The Holy Spirit.
1: God the Father representing the –
Torah = The old testament, and also being the foundational books in the law of Moses (the five books of Moses,
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy),
including the other books coming after Deuteronomy until you reach the book of Malachi in the bible.
2: The son (Yeshua, whom The Christians call Jesus Christ),-
Representing the testimony testified about the old testament in the New Testament,
being all the books that were written by the 12 apostles, being the shadow of the old testament,
starting from the book of Matthew and ending with the book of Revelation.
3: The Holy Spirit representing –
The teacher, the interpreter, the comforter, the counselor, the one who reminds humanity,
and the Helper who helps us to be able to keep the prophetic commandments of God written in the old and the new testament.
God’s grace:
We believe in God’s grace which is given to humanity via the dispensation,
or generation in which the gospel of Christ who was a Jew (a Hebrew) is being preached.
By Grace, we are saved to draw closer to the understanding of the Jewish Messiah: – John 4:22
God gives us His grace in different amounts, anointing, capacity, accountability,
and responsibility depending on the dispensation that we are in.
What does the word dispensation mean?
The word dispensation means; a political, religious, spiritual mindset, or social system prevailing at a particular time.
The spiritual intention and prophetic revelation of God,
which God destined to accomplish in a certain given time frame, season, government or regime of a political system.
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Which dispensation are we in?
Our calling in ministry:
The Council of Ngabo (The Kingdom of God, Celebrate Uganda) has been commissioned by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to restore the Apostolic mandate of the Jewish Hebrew Messiah,
the 12 months on God’s Hebrew calendar, restore the Holy seasons of God, and to continue Apostle Paul’s commission over the body of Christ in this dispensation.
Read: Revelation 22:2, Revelation 21:10-12, Psalm 1:3, Revelation 22:14.
Which year did this dispensation you mentioned above start?
This dispensation started in 2005 and went on until 2019,
by this period of time, the spiritual environment over the entire earthly realm must have reached into its fulness of activating spiritual energies that liberates humanity from the slave mentality of their colonial masters,
(The completion of the 400 years, which started 1619 to 2019),
and be made free from the colonial master’s (introducers, and spreaders of immoral traits) that hinders Africa’s spiritual, inheritance, community development, and cultural progress from taking form.
The next dispensation starts at 2020:
From 2020 and upwards, this is the period of time when the Council of Ngabo – God’s Courthouse, ( & The Kingdom of God) –
(Celebrate Uganda) is constituting letters (contracts, documents, documents, academic teachings, memorandums of understand,
certificates of ordinations, inaugurating, dedicating, anointing, designing social enterprise business syructures, project plans), giving letters of release,
which will enable ministries, companies, organizations, infrastures, institutes, government organs, provinces etc,
to fulfill, attain, sustain, and maintain their spiritual and physical branded and functioning reality.
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Concerning Israel – Judaism (Jewish Messiah):-
Romans 11:17-28:
The Council of Ngabo has also been commissioned to create abridge of relationship, mutual respect,
mutual understanding and mutual exchange that connects the nations, and the body of Christ with Israel as a nation and its role,
so that the understanding of the Jewish Messiah may be synchronized with the spiritual environment of the entire earthly realm and the body of Christ at large.
The adorning of the Bride of Christ, Preparing God’s people for rapture:
The altimate purpose of this ministry (The Council of Ngabo, God’s Courthouse),
is here to prepare the Bride (female gender, mother of nations) who belongs to the Hebrew Messiah,
by adornig her (clothing her with the seasons, months, and calendar of God – Rev 12:1-3),
so that she may nurture mother earth (Gen 3:20), and also be ready to be received by her Bridgroom (Yeshua – Hebrew Messiah).
But before rapture takes place;
The Messianic prophetic anointing that the Council of Ngabo (God’s courthouse) has been mandated to spread, constitute, and teach the Father figure, enabling to govern, pass on inheritance, add value to its cultural heritage.
Enabling Africa to reach its heights of conveying the countenance of the Hebrew Messiah as He is described in His dark complexion – written in Revelation 1:14-15.
Year 2021-2025 and upwards;
putting Africa in a position where the Hebraic prophetic word of the Hebrew Messiah,
will feed the entire world desiginating and distributing His Hebraic,
and levitical order from Africa (Uganda) the continent of the dark skinned complexion, and spreading it into other nations.
Read 1 Corinthians 15:52-54
Let me remind you that from Year 2023-2024 and upwards;
The world as we know it, is going to have a full understanding,
living a practical lifestyle and having common faith which has fully accepted that;
its the God of Israel (the God of the Hebrews),
Exodus 9:1
Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go in to Pharaoh and tell him,
‘Thus says the Lord God of the Hebrews: “Let My people go, that they may serve Me.
The God of the Hebrews Who made a covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who descended down from Adam, Enoch, Naoh, Ham, Shem,
to whom all the world is ought to worship, reverence, show respect, fear and honour,
and that God is One.
Deuteronomy 6:4-6:
4 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one!
5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
6 “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart ❤.
And this is our statement of belief.…
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Let me hope that you are ready for the Rapture?
MALACHI 3:1-18 .Read and Recite