Solve your financial Crisis; (Convert it into Financial progress, discipline, investiment, & savings that will progress your economics – (course /Class Business))
Homelatest_posts_adSolve your financial Crisis; (Convert it into Financial progress, discipline, investiment, & savings that will progress your economics – (course /Class Business))
Solve your financial Crisis; (Convert it into Financial progress, discipline, investiment, & savings that will progress your economics – (course /Class Business))
We are In the season where people are going through a financial crisis.
– A crisis that is caused by the undisciplined behavior of borrowing money,
– The sense of feeling that makes a person to feel like one does not have enough money, wanting more of it, overwelmed by the debts that one is not able to pay back,
– The passion of wanting to own material things which are displayed via commercial advertisements, and marketing strategies that pushes people to live under then peer pressure, and commercial pressure of consuming beyond the capacity of their income…..
– Being affected by the Omen of misfortune that is hindering the people from progressing (going beyond their poverty mindset) in their art of making money,
– Being consumers that serve the selfish form of hassling (loving money, chasing after money,
– Indirect acts that are done to worship money as an idol (some kill, some forsake their responsibilities of being Godly parents,
– Some will use lies, prostitute their bodies, use deceptive schemes, become slayers of other people’s lives, destroy marriages for the sake of making money),
– The practicing of dishonesty schemes, making of promises that one has no capacity to keep etc,
Such distressing, mental [hopeless state of mind], and emotional challenges seems to surface themselves in one’s life during the time of financial crisis.
What are the negative symptoms which are caused by the financial crisis that is going on?
The season of financial crisis that is happening in the entire world has put the human traits (emotional and mental disorder) that wants to buy, own things, start a business that one has no competence to be able to deal with such input.of energy,
– Business ideas that derive from the impulse, influenza of unrealistic measurements, lacking the financial accountability and reality to be able to handle one’s claims, fear for unknown pending danger etc,
This type of mental and emotional (disorder) has become the outer expression (Nephilim, garment) of the people’s negative attitude, stress, and constant worries that defines the way the people speak, behave and act…
Lets look and see;
What type and ways of doing business that controls our social activities of exchange in our communities?
In the area of commercial business (which focuses on feeding the selfish interests of the consumer’s evil nephilim),
the advertising, covetousness, hassling, doggy deals, desire to compete, love of money, an paid debts, unkept promises, unfulfilled vows that goes on in the world of business, people living beyond the means of their income,
a lot of people who are victims (not having the intergrity of handling money), hide under the pretence of opening up businesses, giving up what they own as surety for the loans they get,
and borrowing money without possessing the inner ability (competence, intergrity, honesty and accountability) to be able to pay it back….
2019 to 2026 – there is a financial crisis that is confronting the people’s lives world wide,
that is caused by the scales of deceit which have been practiced in the world of business for a long time….
The big corporations, global businesses, the big banks that gives out loans,
those producing the biggest percentage of the consumed products, investments, loans and services on market (the Chinese companies, the American global corporations etc),
Are all driven and structured by the evil minds (evil Nephilims) that intends to do evil, feed the selfish agenda of their consumers,
so that they may finally take over (divert, colonize, pervert, take a way the rights) of the aconsumer’s status of ownership, cultural responsibilities, Godly morals and possesion of assets.
What should the consumer who has become a victim do,
to be able to overcome that colonized and victimised status of economic crisis?
Courses offered by SAMI business Academy: –
1: We Educate the competence in financial management, administration, acquiring the knowledge of being able to pass on one’s financial accountability of vocational business that plays the role of transfering, sustaining, preserving one’s Cultural inheritance,
and also passing on one’s heritage (ability to exchange and own the rights of ownship), so that it may be passed on to the next kin…
2: Learn the Science, intergrity, seasons (time table, calendar), and honesty scales [Ephah] of making and multiplying of money (flow of currency).
3: Spiritual legitimacy that gives a person the spiritual authority to govern, and (own the law of attraction) that administrates one’s energies of currency…
4: Start and run a business that will multiply one’s fruitful status, bring economic stability, social improvement, marketing strategies, and community developments [CSR],
and also return your profits in the form of human resources, assests, financial profits, influence over one’s frequency of currency etc…
5: Acquiring the knowledge of money Savings, money rotation, investing of money, and multiplying (making fruitful) one’s economics,
and financial investiments that enhances the values of a philanthropic mindset, community development, and spiritual growth….