Single mother is a female status where a woman raises up her children single handedly without their father…
How come that we have a lot of single mothers?
Single mother status has been highly promoted and supported by the human female rights coming from the west (Europe and America)…
Through the female rights of divorce, permitting of fornication (people having sex without being married to each other, LGTBQ laws, trafficking of women as sexual objects),
Gender equality (laws declairing that women are equal in comparison to men, extreme feminism movements which opposeses the existence of men etc),
through such female rights; single mothers have been encouraged, empowered, and motivated to see themselves succeed without fathers in their homes.
The political laws that supports the female rights movement which has played the role of promoting and puffing up the status of single mothers, has eventually led to;
– Social errors of having (hormones, ovaries and female traits) in homes that hinders Godly and cultural heritage from taking form,
– Women (female wombs) who are in opposition with their husbands, and (male instructions in their homes),
– Feminine traits that are resentful, and hateful towards God’s moral values, behaviors of extreme emotionalism that prefers to bring up children without their fathers being present etc…
As its been said that;
the economical progress and financial success is masculine, single mothers are often Having less money. As a single parent, you may be at a financial disadvantage…
The negative effect which is caused by the single mother status:
Work overload and multitasking that single mothers have no capacity to execute, leading to the hormonal imbalance of distress, discomfort, fatigue, stress in the female homornes…
Negative feelings, and emotions that leads to conflicts . …
Lack of being able to Discipline one’s children. …
Children developing into Behavioral problems (criminal traits that comes as a result because of lack of the father figure in a home…
Relationship problems that comes as a result because of the overwelming and extreme emotional influence that is generated by the single mother status.
Girl child turning into sexual immoral female ovaries (easily saduced and used sexually),
lacking the ability of being able to make the right choice, especially in the area of choosing the right partner for marriage.
Clinging to your children, (not allowing them to grow up), overwhelming them with love, favoritism etc,
which makes the single mother to end up overlooking their mistakes, failing to impart disciplined manners into their character, and promoting their bad behaviors…