Psalm 19:5-6 The SUN being the TABERNACLE of God(Mindset Media News!)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Psalm 19:4:
4 Their LINE (Equator from Uganda) has gone out through all the Earth,
And their words (words of PRAYER) have traveled to the END of the world. In them, God has set a tabernacle (Sanctuary) for the SUN,
Psalm 19:5-6:
The Sun here is compared to a bridegroom coming out of his chamber And rejoicing like a strong man (spermatozoa) to run his race.
6 Its rising is from one end of heaven, And its circuit to the other end, And there is nothing hidden from its heat (dispersed energies) of the SUN…
As the TWELVE tribes of Israel were encamping in the wilderness, they sett up their camps around the Tabernacle,
forming the sign of a cross ✝️, and the Tabernacle of Moses was right in the middle of their 12 camps.
Heavenly city called Jerusalem:
Revelation 21:12-13:
12 Also she had a great and high wall with twelve gates, and twelve angels at the gates, and names written on them,
which are the names of the TWELVE TRIBES of the children of Israel:
13 THREE gates on the east,
THREE gates on the north,
THREE gates on the south,
and THREE gates on the west.
Isaiah 66:23
And it shall come to pass that from one NEW MOON to another, And from one SABBATH to another, All flesh shall come to worship before Me,” says the Lord.
It takes 12 month (365) days for mother earth to make a full circle around God’s Tabernacle being the SUN…
And each month has a gate way known as the New Moon season, which enables God’s people to enter into God’s purpose for each month…
There are twelve months corresponding to the 12 gate ways (the 12 tribes of Israel) or being the 12 new moons…
The 1st Month is called “NISAN“, falls around March/April
The 2nd Month is called “IYAR“, falls around April /May
The 3rd Month is called “SIVAN“, falls around May /June
The 4th Month is called “TAMUZ“, falls around June /July
The 5th Month is called “AV” falls around July / August
The 6th Month is called “ELUL“, falls around August /September
The 7th Month is called “TISHREI“, falls around September / October
The 8th Month is called “CHESVAN“, falls around October / November
The 9th Month is called “KISLEV“, falls around
The 10th Month is called “TEVET“
The 11th Month is called “CHEVAT“
The 12th Month is called “ADAR“
Each month represents a son of Jacob, a tribe among the twelve sons of Israel.
The year is made up 12 segments (being the twelve Zodiac signs), that we travel through before we complete a full orbit around the Sun that makes up year…
Each month begins with a NEW MOON (being the 1st day of the month), and the moon becomes FULL of LIGHT coming from the SUN on FULL MOON, (being the 14th day of that month).
The Hebrew (Jewish) month on God’s calendar finishes after 28 days/ 29 or 30 days, and then another NEW MOON becomes the first day that begins the next coming (New Month)…
January, February, March, April – Hebrew month = Shevat – Nisan, parshah..