A program is a set of related measures (accountability), or activities with a particular long-term aim, and plan,
which is given or implanted into the systematic traits of a thing, or someone’s (circadian rhythm, melatonin, or pineal Gland).
Putting someone’s system that governs his time (days, months, weeks, time, years) into the right, organic circadian rhythm…
Matthew 25:14-15:
14 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them.
15 And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey..
We are in the 8TH MONTH called “CHESHVAN”on God’s calendar: Started on 2nd November & Ends on 1st DECEMBER 2024
To program is to;
To descipline someone, or to put a system of program (principles, talents, genetic traits) into something,
which enables it to exist by fulfilling the accountability (living in a systematic environment of counting, acknowledging, being obedient, and following a rythm, algorithm, frequency, radiating energies, environmental presence (cloud) which is designed to govern the time, seconds, days, weeks, years, seasons, numerical numbers) of that system..
To program is the impartation of responsibility (responding capability), which is embedded, planted or imparted into the very inner being of an organism, seed or genetic system of something or someone…
They gave him a program set of activities that pertains to the numerical counting of his accountability, and principles (tasks) that pertains to his responsibility in his new life that he started in the country where he went to reside…
“an extensive programme of reforms”
A series of coded software instructions (providing of information, media, sound waves, command) to control the operation of a computer or other machine.
On Rosh Hashanah (the very first day) that begins anew year on the Hebre calendar, the God of Israel imparts His program into the Head (Mindset of His people)..
Similar words:
scheme, plan,plan of action, initiative, series of measures, project, strategy, solution.
We are in the 8TH MONTH called “CHESHVAN”on God’s calendar: Started on 2nd November & Ends on 1st DECEMBER 2024