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Week 1 Chesed – Love and kindness:
Omer counting day 7.
Dignity – Love (the dignity/majesty side of love) Malchut – Chesed in Hebrew.
The environment of true love in people’s lives builds up a desire to maintain a position of dignity, royalty, and majesty for the sake of presenting a good name for themselves and for those they love.
But in the presence of competition, false judgment, suspicion, jealousy, backbiting, and self-seeking, shame is not lacking.
Ask yourself:
Is my love caring, giving, and sacrificial towards the ones that I love, or am I always negative, busy, and self-centered?
Because every action that brings shame, from a student, a child or a wife, is an expression of a selfish leader, teacher or husband.
But every action that brings honor to someone’s name is a reflection of his/her positive role models, and the practiced acts of giving, caring and sacrificial love.
Exercise of the day:
Find a ministry that has given you spiritual food and teachings into your life and give an offering as a symbol of appreciation.
pray a prayer
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By: Apostle A. Ngabo, The Council of Ngabo © DO NOT COPY