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Week 1 Chesed – Love and kindness:
Omer counting day 5.
Humble – Love (the humble/devotion side of love) Hod – Chesed in Hebrew.
Love is always humble and devoted to its service to others. It’s like making up a plan of forgiving someone that you love,
even before he or she does anything wrong to offend you.
The memory of a good experience in life will bring back the desire into someone’s life so that someone will be willing to repeat and to relive that experience again.
But the remembrance of a bad experience in someone’s mind will restrain his feelings,
increase his hate and make someone to put up rules of restrictions, so that he may not return back to that bad experience.
Yet, when the love of God commands us to give ourselves even in situations where it feels like some people do not deserve our love.
Ask yourself:
If God was to return you back into the lives of those people that have mistreated you and abused you physically and emotionally, will you be able to love them?
and if not, then what is that that still makes you to count them as your enemies?
Devoted and humble love in you will make you look beyond people’s wrongdoings and then you will start to concentrate on God’s forgiveness because reconciled love grows stronger and deeper than the love that is built on the good deeds of someone’s life.
Exercise of the day:
If there are people you need to forgive in your life, go to them and forgive them and also reconcile yourself to them.
pray a prayer
Starting page – Where does the Omer counting come from?
Week 1 (one) – Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
By: Apostle A. Ngabo, The Council of Ngabo © DO NOT COPY