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Week 7: Malchut – Majesty/Dignity:
Omer counting day 44.
Discipline – Majesty (the Discipline/Vigor side of Majesty) Gevurah – Malchut in Hebrew.
Your discipline has reached its seventh level.
To be effective in your leadership you must combine your dignity (authority, and majesty) with discipline.
In other words you need to acknowledge (to know the exact measure) of your strength,
or authority, and then bring it in discipline (restraint, control),
so that you may allow other people that are good in the areas that you are weak in to be of help in your time of need.
Ask yourself:
Do I find it hard to refer or to recommend people that come to me for help to other leaders, if I my self cant solve their need?
Do I honor (respect, and seek counsel,) from other authorities when I come into a situation where I my self need help?
Am I aware of my own weaknesses and strength?
Do I have any body in my leadership that I support, respect and acknowledge as source of leadership guidance in my life?
Exercise of the day:
Before you do anything that requires your leadership and authority,
do something to acknowledge some one else’s authority (wisdom, advise and studying material).