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Week 1 Chesed – Love and kindness:
Omer counting day 4.
Enduring – Love (the victory/enduring/determination side of love) Netzach – Chesed in Hebrew.
The love that is victorious in circumstances, is the love that has learnt how to endure (to continue, to insist, to tolerate, to bear, to submit) towards it’s commitments in relationships.
But also this love is determined to fulfil and to bring to pass the promises that will unite it with the relationships that connect it to the divine purpose of it’s existence on earth.
Ask yourself:
Does the things I love to do depend on the excitement and the good experience of how I feel?
or am I able to fulfil my commitments even in the times and seasons when it does not feel like doing those things that I promised with my mouth?
Because love will not give up, neither fail in doing those things that honour a relationship, even if circumstance and situations are commanding you to speak and act contrary towards that relationship.
Exercise of the day:
Insist on speaking good, acting good, being good towards those people that act and do things in a different way compared to yours.
Prayer the Prayer
Starting page – Where does the Omer counting come from?
Week 1 (one) – Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
By: Apostle A. Ngabo, The Council of Ngabo © DO NOT COPY