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Week 4: Netzach – Victory/Endurance/Determination:
Omer counting day 26.
Humility – Endurance (the Humble/devotion side of Endurance) Hod – Netzach in Hebrew.
The submission of your will that brings the results of Humility, is hidden in within your Divine soul.
Knowing when to Yield and being able to submit in situations where we seem to be overpowered by our own circumstances is the secret that lies behind the wisdom of being able to overcome your own weaknesses.
Every human being has a weakness, but yet for every weakness, God also provides strength through somebody else to help the one who is weak.
That’s why humility and devotion in unity with endurance and determination are required in one’s character.
Humility enables me to swallow my pride, knowing that if I was to pray to God for help In a certain area, God will still use somebody else’s strength to provide me with the solution that I need.
Ask yourself: