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Week 3: Tiferet – Harmony/Beauty/Compassion:
Omer counting day 19.
Humility – Compassion (the humble/devotion side of Compassion)
Hod – Tiferet in Hebrew.
Humility and compassion must be related and connected so that our own good deeds does not make us become proud because of our compassion toward others,
but rather knowing this, that every time we do good it’s God’s grace that has enabled us to reveal that act of being good, so through humility we give thanks to God for enabling us to do so.
Ask yourself:
Do I take personal credit out of my ability of being good?
Exercise of the day:
In when you do something good for someone, remember to give thanks to God for giving you the ability to be good and compassionate towards them.
Week three; Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20 Day 21