Love – Compassion (the love/kindness side of compassion) Chesed – Tiferet in Hebrew.
The harmony that harmonizes and connects discipline and love is truth.
Love may compel me to give beyond what is necessary and exaggerated discipline may restrain me from giving what I am supposed to be giving.
But the truth (God’s developed wisdom in one’s character) enables me to make sound decisions in every circumstance that I come across in life.
A husband and a wife are two different individuals, but truth (God’s opinion, God’s reality, God’s will, or God’s developed wisdom) harmonizes and integrates them into one united being.
Truth is God’s developed wisdom in one’s character that helps us to eliminate prejudice, false judgments, and over exaggerate feelings of pity and sympathy in situations where different opinions, feelings, and plans are in need of uniting their strength.
Ask yourself:
Do I acknowledge the truth in situations where I become overwhelmed with a sense of not knowing what to do or do I use my own imaginative opinions to solve things?
Exercise of the day:
Find out the areas in your life where you are exposed to deception and laziness and pray for God’s grace so that you will be able to submit those areas under God’s truth and grace (spiritual guidance from your spiritual leader).