Recieve from your spiritual Covering, Father (that governs your Sun light, constellations and Cosmic energies),
after you have finished recieving (perceiving or conceiving),
then use your understanding to Speak out (pray, recite out loud) and influence your environment (sphere):…
It all starts and it’s initiated via prayers…
Do not underestimate the prophetic revelation and design of your prayers…
Prayer can fill your environment with a spiritual presence, and energies governed via environmental frequencies that has the ability to affect, govern, Instruct, implant, make to concieve, percieve, stimulate, control, teach, impart objectives,
give Kinetic (put into motion), design the specific details, and ignite the human brain, (occupying one’s mindset with thoughts, ideas, information, dreams, instructions, vision, images etc).
What happens with the prayers that have reached into one’s brain?
After the brain has been filled (occupied) with frequencies generated via prayer, then the MIND goes at work…
What is the mind?
The mind is the combination of the brain 🧠 working as a team together with the body,
(where the brain sends electro signals to influence, and administrate) the different parts (organs) that are contained in the body.
(The body being the nephilim, constume, expressional garment or medium).
What is the mindset?
Mindset =
The mindset is that which is often used to occupy (contain information that influences) the brain on a frequent basis (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly etc)…
For example;
As the human brain is frequently listening to music, or watching movies,
that type of music (the message, spirit, energy, information, agenda, Kinetic energy, command, thoughts, attributes, emotions, and influence of the one that is singing, (the spiritual leader that governs the spirit of the singer),
or that which is contained in the (spirit, Physiognomy, and deeper countenance of the musician),
becomes the consumer’s (listeners) focus (habitual presence), where the mindset of the person listening is set upon, or gravitated towards…
Recite every detail (Be detailed, recite bible scriptures that lines up with your prayer structure, read out loud prophetic article from Mindset Media website) via your prayers,
so that you may occupy every realm, sphere, domain, nephilim, organism, spiritual world, land, spirit, medium, and the seven attributes in mother earth,
that the Creator of heaven, who also created mother wants you to occupy, govern, subdue, administrate, Instruct, design and influence…