NISAN – THE FIRST MONTH ON THE HEBREW CALENDAR Falls Around Marh /April – (Mindset Media News!)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Apostle Ngabo
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Nisan – falls in March April?
Abib-Aviv also called “Nisan” is the first month on the Hebrew calendar.
It falls around the month of March, or April according to the Gregorian calendar.
Exodus 12:1-2 declares;
Now the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron in the Land of Egypt, saying,
This month [called “Nisan”] shall be your beginning of counting, (and following) of the 12 MONTHS on GOD’S Hebrew calendar,
it shall be the first month (first Fruits) of the year to you.
The month of (conception):
In the Torah it is called the month of the Aviv (Nisan), referring to the month in which barley was ripe.
(The month which initiates the obedience,
and relates nature into the physical state of it’s female attribute that begins the process of spiritual conception).
Nisan (Aviv) being the month when the conceiving of the 12 Hebrew months on God’s calendar are imparted into mother earth.
The Zodaic sign of Nisan is Aries:
Nisan standing for Judah and the Zodiac sign of Nisan called Aries.
The name Nisan was adopted during the writing of the Jewish Oral law when the Jews were in the captivity of Babylon.
Nisan is the month in which the energies of redemption, intimacy,
salvation (Yeshua), liberation, jubilee, getting rid of the DEBT of death, and freedom are released into the earthly atmosphere.
Political System:
The month also represents the constituting of the political system, break its arrogance, pride, and purifying it from its leaven,
so that it may be subordinate to the governmental influence of the God of Israel 🇮🇱…
Nisan introduces NEW changes:
This also being the season when living organisms “bloom” (open up), to accept the atmospheric energies that stimulates change during the season of Spring (March / April).
God’s miracles:
The word “Nissan” roots from the hebrew word called “Nes”.
The hebrew word ”Nes” means miracles, signs and wonders.
The Tabernacle of Moses was completed in the month of Nisan:
In the 1st day of the month of Nisan, the building of the Tabernacle of God was completed in Exodus 40:1-38.
0n the 14th of this same month called Nisan,
the children of Israel were delivered from the captivity of Egypt, after they had sacrificed a Lamb unto to (Hashem) God Exodus 12:1-23.
This was also the time (during Passover (month of Nisan – March / April),
when the CLOUD of covering , hovering over them in the day time, and a pillar of fire by night, was given unto Israel.
(When it moved they moved, when it stayed in a place for a certain period of time, so they also encamped their etc)..
Yeshua died and resurrected during the month of Nisan:
On the 14th (passover) also being the stage of full moon, in the month of Nisan,
Yeshua The Messiah was crucified as a Lamb on the cross,
and all the nations of the world were reconciled back to God via His death and resurrection.
The Jericho walls came down during the month of Nisan:
On the 14th (Passover) in the month of Nisan;
This was the season when the political system which was secured through the walls of Jericho, that were blocking the children of Israel from entering into their promised land,
came trembling down (Joshua 5:9-10).
During the month of Nisan, that is when Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed:
In the month of Nisan (spring time) during the feast of unleavened bread (Passover),
the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by the wrath of God because of their wickedness, as written in Genesis 19:1-29.
Article written by Apostle Ngabo for Conscious lifestyle.
Article written by Apostle Ngabo for Conscious lifestyle.
Passover Nisan, Marck April, 50 days omer. Fifty