Muserebende Ba Afrique sounds Business plan
Muserebende Ssali- Business Plan
What? The name is Ba Afrique sounds
Bring together different African sounds, language, tourism, instruments, cultures, and art.
Style: (What does your art do, what is the impact?)
It’s a fusion of western and African culture.
Impact – Consequence
Putting a modern way of expressing on our art, without loosing the deeper values of our roots in culture.
Unique identity:
My unique identity lies in roots, folk pop/world music.
Why? – Why do you do what you do?
Because am proud of being an AFRICAN, am proud of my culture.
Motive & Agenda:
Motive – Due to my history and experience, it empowers me to help my community.
It is a call to make a change in people’s lives, to inspire the new generation, to be proud of who they are.
To make un previleged children to feel like they are part of the world, and also put a smile on their faces.
God gave me this mandate via the challenges I went through in my child hood.
My daddy was killed when I was five years, but he was my dad and mom at the same time, because my mom died when i was six months.
That is when I realised that the children needs love and hope.
And my calling from God is to use my music to make a change in these children’s lives and make them smile too.
Ultimate goal:
My dream is having a children center with health, education, vocational, theater and modern agriculture.
A place where children can get skills to become the best they can become
(“Heal” the pain of the African child)
Who are you targeting?
My art lovers, well wishers, companies, schools, sponsors, organizations, Institutes, business sector, culture leaders, culture institutions, Government, High Comissions
Institutions, organizations, businesses, individuals, government, public sector, churches, ministries, communities,
Companions: – Those who have developed a strong bond and love towards what you do:
Celebrate Uganda, New Level cooperation, Conscious lifestyle, Afrepeans, Little pen studio, DCR studios, Uganda cultural center, Little tummy foundation, David Katende, George Mugerwa, Summy Kasule, Moses Matove, Martin Kintu, Andrew Kasirye, Nsubuga Kageme, Dr Rashid Semudu, My wife…
Moral structure or rules:
* Team work – to work as team, to compliment your work mates – for the sake of work towards a common goal.
* Each one teach one – knowledge transfer
No discrimination,
mutual respect among members and willingness to learn what one does not know.
* No corruption and no bribe.
* Integrity – honest and transparency, to execute what one says, promises or puts in word
* To be goal oriented (setting goals and executing them)
* Patience and tolerance is required
* No sexual harassments, using of profanity, F word etc..
* No Anti-Semitism, hating another person because of his or her religion
* Be in a state where one is willing to fulfil the moral values that leads to peace building, reconciliation and harmony with each other.
* Being open minded
* No racism
* Putting God to be the first preorite always
* Time management
Anybody who violets the rules written above, will be excommunicated from his or her membership rights
Social media – (Facebook, Instagram, snapchat, spotfy, Blogs, linked in, Youtube, CLSTV, Profile website)
Flyers, brochure, business cards,
Techniques – go to different events, postures, youth clubs, Libraries, Conferences, meeting places, face to face communication, street evangelism’
community works, re-forestration
Commercial – Radio, TV, News Papers, Magazines, Online News Papers, Arban websites,
Uganda East Africa
The second part of the business Plan:
The vision is to improve lively hood by teaching, motivating, encouraging, and equipping the human skills in order to acquire better homes, give access to knowledge of home making, and building of better communities.
Mission – How to execute the vision:
We shall create groups where we share knowledge, ideas, experience and skills for the sake of finding positive solutions and solving matters.
Transforming our ways of doing things into workshops, exhibitions etc…
Give provisions as a motivation for participation (micro finance, providing a goat for a home, providing a community a bore hole, providing community centre, community radio),
We shall set up a management team that enables the work to go smoothly
What are my services?
Producing bricks for building
We are providing radio broadcasting to our clients
We do motivational speeches
Provide access to finance
We encourage and teach organic farming techniques
Teach languages
Providing employment and networking other into the net of employment
Connecting people to Uganda
Our goal is to reach out into the society and make a positive change through my skills and services.
Revenue and investment – Risk Zones- competitors
Organizations Plan:
Chairman or CEO – Barbara Ngabo
Secretary –
Cashier –
New Level Agency (Consultancy, Director, management, spiritual designer and branding, Mentor, and Marketing