Mindset Media in Sweden, Scandinivia & England – (Mindset Media)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Apostle Ngabo
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Conscious Lifestyle Organization in Sweden functioning since 2012:
Scandinavia is a realm that is made of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.
Apostle Ngabo Alex the founder of Conscious Lifestyle Organization in Sweden, also being the founder of Mindset Media Agency in Uganda,
works with a social enterprise organization formular, and strategy that scopes through the area of Scandinivia, and England.
It really puts us in the state of concern and worry over our future, when we look at how discrimination, racism, conflicting opinions in the regions with diverse cultural back grounds, political facts (political opinions that spreads via media etc),
How these facts focuses on categorising us into different groups that seeks to argue, debate, compete, the voicing of opinions that divides us, the usage of language that stimulates hate speech etc,
while they are also making us insensitive (lacking the inner ability of being able to find positive ways on how we can respond towards each other’s needs),
Yet when our challenges that we are facing in our communities, demand us to be united, and working together, so that we may find positive solutions to solve our own problems with the aim of developing our communities.
Mindset Media Agency working in collaboration with conscious Lifestyle organization, together with the social enterprise organization in Sweden,
have united their effort to achieve these objectives below:
Our objectives are;
We are working with different communities (organisations, or organs), so that our positive attributes, activities that brings about positive social developments, social innovation, social economy, and cultural integration may occur among the diverse outline and diagram that makes up our communities.
– We work with (organizing cultural activities) that plays the role of converting complex social challenges,
so that they may transform into their positive status of collaborating, uniting and integrating of our diverse cultural back grounds.
Culture & Entertainment:
– We work with counseling, organizing meeting points, and the art of utelizing of our innovative CULTURAL ACTIVITIES, aiming at helping our participants to overcome their emotional traumas, so that they may obtain their emotional healing and status of reconciliation…
Academic Impartation & Coaching:
– We provide teachings, courses, coaching, and mentoring that enables our members to utelize their cultural skills, and cultural (talents) to enhance and benefit the field of mutual exchange in their social surrounding…
Networking & Business;
– Our network connects business 2 business opportunities to unveil among businesses with a social enterprise structure
– We help businesses to formulate into their social enterprise identity which enhances the opportunities that innovates the field of social economics.
– Mindset Media Agency;
It’s an agency that brings together different stakeholders, organization, businesses, institutes to work together, to share knowledge, to collaborate with the aim of innovating, and developing their communities on a local and international level.
March, April -August September Hebrew month = Shevat parshah..
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