Music, Dance, & Drummer & Emotional & Mental Healing (Mindset Media Academy))
Short article:
We Teach, brand, promote, cultivate stage performances, impart positive moral values in our MDD students,
and we also mold the Godly structure in our cultural talents of music, dance, movie making, sports, singing etc,
so that our field of cultural tourism, community tourism, entertainment, social economics, and the field of employment may be boosted with talents that uplifts the positive ethical values, and norms that represents our culture and heritage..
Emotional & Metal healing goes with the course of MDD:
– Providing Counseling
– Getting rid of Emotional instabilities that hinders progress
– Manage and overcome mood swings, hormonal imbalances etc.
– Rehabilitate and cultivate your positive way of thinking, and precautious methods for one’s pineal gland & Ovaries
– Sex Education & Marriage
– Access the presence that harmonizes your emotional healing, putting moral balance to your hormonal vibrations
– Get information, bible study, prayer, and teachings which enforces peace and balanced moral attitude in your mental and emotional capabilities…
– Emotional, and Mental healing & innovation that enhances, teaches, reconciles, repairs the Godly moral values of public, social, family, community relations
We create and innovate new platforms of employment, we combat idleness, convert criminal traits into a positive way of thinking and living in our community.
We nurture, sustain, transfer knowledge, and maintain pathways, roads, airwaves, internet waves, channels of exchange, trade, cultural export, student program for exchange etc.
And last but not least;
We do the Culture of Fathering and Mothering environments, nurting networks of collaboration, unity, team working, and Cooperating to enhance community development, and social enterprise formulars that pertains to our social enviroment…
Inspiring & Wise Counsel:
Promoting the positive FACE of Uganda and Africa at large…
Author: Apostle Ngabo
Teacher & founder of the Visionary School (of Leaders), & he is the Spear header & Founder of Mindset Media Agency
About Author
Apostle Ngabo
Teacher & founder of the Visionary School (of Leaders), & he is the Spear header & Founder of Mindset Media Agency