The keeping of God’s Seasons and the obeying of His word makes our inside world, and outside world FRUITFUL:
There are seasons of harvesting (receiving) what you planted, and there are seasons for planting [the objectives, concept, obedience, desire, actions, tithe, giving offering, giving of thanks to God],
so that you may influence what you want to harvest, or what you want your land to bring forth.
Genesis 8:22
“While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.”
Genesis 2:8
The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed.
Matthew 13:31
…: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed (containing kinetic energy, specific ingredients, prophetic insight, electronic sparks, concepts, objectives, revelation),
which a man took and sowed [planted] in his field [Nephilim, human body, Temple, mother land]…
The good and bad that we confront in life, being the experiences that we go through in (our outside world),
Those experiences are the reflection of the seasons of seed time, the type of words, and their spiritual source where they originate from, which are sown [planted], or invested into one’s brain, or ovaries,
and from the brain they start to affect the other parts (organs) in the body (Nephilim); finally becoming immoral (evil negtive) expressions, or moral (Godly, good) behaviors.
Galatians 6:7
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.
The information (words, images, sound waves, media information) that we listen to, see with our eyes,
The voices we obey, and the instructions (advice, counseling) that we recieve from those we respect, or listen to most of our times, becomes the energisers (seeds sown in our inside world),
that goes ahead to stimulate, and give Kinetic to our inside world, and then our inside world starts to influence our outside world via our actions, repeated habits, behaviors, prayers, physical expressions etc…
God’s seeds (word, revelation) is sown in the world [among thorns]:
Luke 8:7
And some fell among thorns, and the thorns sprang up with it and choked it.
Matthew 13:22
Now he who received seed [God’s word] among the THORNS is he who hears the word, and the cares of this world [the influence of evil energies in the world, bad reports, bad omen, familiar spirits],
and the deceitfulness of riches (love of money, pursuit after material wealth) choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful [fails to bear fruit].
Our inside world (reflects the way we think, what feeds our inner spirit Man, the psychological status of our inner being.
Our outer behaviors, being the way we expresses ourselves on the outside), derives from the inside of our psychological state of being.
The psychological State of being is the Spirit, Soul (senses, thoughts, feelings, ideas, ability to imagine, dream realm, and that which governs the Mindset of someone).
What is the Purpose of our inside world?
Our inside world was created by God [to be intimately connected to God’s presence, and spiritual covering].
The aim is to become a Godly force that imparts Godly morals, skills, competence, capacity, teachings and attributes,
so that the inside world may be able use its inner abilities to mentor, influence, pray, and make our outside world into God’s world (environment).
Through our human expressions and behaviors, we use our Nephilim (temple, body) to Play the role of fashioning, designing,
planting seed, parenting, being a Father, disciplining, teaching, rebuking, transforming, and also praying to bring our INSIDE WORLD into the existence, and reality that becomes our OUTSIDE WORLD…
Our outside world expresses itself via (nature, soil texture, sky, firmament, weather, environmental energies, agricultural energies, rain, moisture, radio waves, radiating frequencies, the Internet, television,
mountains, seas, valleys, wind, AIR, constellations, animism, the way the sun light treats us as its shining, the moon light etc), also those elements written above being the mirror that exposes, displays, projects, and exhibits to us Our inside world.