Male is seed – Female is womb
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God’s purpose for the male gender:
The promises of God which contains His revelation or prophetic utterance, comes from Heaven, and enters into the male gender first;
before it goes or enters into the female gender or (ovaries).
This same prophetic promise that is given to the male gender, Is given with the ultimate spiritual purpose of formulating into seed,
(or generating into semen or sperm) in the man’s (male’s) body.
By Faith in God Sarah receives the seed from the male gender:
The seed that derives from God’s Faith in MAN can cause an atomic chemical effect or chemistry in the woman’s body:
Hebrews 11:11:
By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.
How is God’s revelation transformed into a male seed?
As the male gender is keeping God’s commandments in obedience to His covenant, seasons, applying the principle of Tithing,
the keeping of the Hebrew calendar, mitzvah (being obedient to God’s commndments) and agreement that he has with the God of Israel,
and as all that is going on in the man’s life, that same prophetic promise is also transforming into the man’s semen,
seed or sperm that has the ability to atomization (turn into atomic chemistry), electrify and produce what was promised unto the male gender by God via the female ovaries (mother earth)..
The seed, the DNA, the genetic sequency that contains the male chromosome, and the spiritual (ministry), and cultural inheritance concealed in the male gender….
God’s seed & the female that carries it must learn spiritual warfare,
& strategic techniques in spiritual battle against its enemy:
Genesis 3:15:
And I will put enmity Between you (Satan) and the woman, And between your seed (Satan’s seed, children of Darkness) and her Seed (man’s seed deriving from God’s revelation);
He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.”
Revelation 12:1-4
Appointed a male (seed) that comes with God’s appointed seasons, obedience and spirtual purpose:
Genesis 4:25:
And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and named him Seth,
“For God has appointed another seed for me instead of Abel, whom Cain killed.”
God’s purpose for the female gender:
The female is the ovaries or womb that receives the males revelation in form of seed, so that she may mould, incubate (use her ovaries or womb) to transform, to be a helper, to nurture
and to Play the role of fashioning it into a physical reality that reflects the spiritual vision (genetic traits & DNA, promises of God) which derives from the male gender.
God speaks the seed into the female nature (mother earth) :
Genesis 1:11:
Then God said, “Let the earth (mother earth) bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind,
whose seed is in itself, on the earth”; and it was so.
Genesis 1:12:
And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
A true man of God first becomes a teacher that teaches, imparts, plays the role of a father who cultivates, and incarnates God’s manuscript (prophetic revelation) into the female,
And then after he gives her the seed that contains his promise and inheritance deriving from the God of Israel.
The earth is like unto the woman (seed receiver):
God’s kingdom come into the earth via the seed –
This male seed (God’s revelation from heaven) when it’s well nurtured, and dedicated to God’s will,
This same seed can transform into business companies, institutes, agricultural energies that makes the organisms to grow into,
children, Kings, priests, priestesses, warriors, levites, prophets, radiations, institutes, frequencies,
Apostles, Ribbis, dominions or domain’s, principalities that are governed by the God of Israel…
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