Make a LIVE your INSIDE world, so that you may Change your OUTSIDE world… – (Mindset Media News!)
Apostle Ngabo
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When we get around the end of January, February as we move towards the month of March /April;
that is a time of rediscovering, and the season when the inside world in humans wakes up.
The inside world which is [contained in our human psychic], waking up to come a way from its spiritual slumber, limitations, spiritual boundaries (Mizraim) etc,
So that one may begin to awaken towards his/her spiritual responsibility of bearing fruit, administrating one’s future plans, and responding towards the atmospheric SPRING time energies of agriculture that occurs around the month of February, March, and April…
is the world inside of you (which is made up your mindset (mental capacity), thoughts, imaginations, ideas, dream realm, desires, emotions, feelings, ability to use one’s senses, and attributes,
All those psychological activities that functions from in within yourself (inside your body – Nephilim) makes up the status of your inside world.
[DO GOOD, and GOOD will follow you!]
Be righteous, kind, forgiving, be a remedy, positive influence, have a positive mindset, or service of a helping hand (ministry, organisation, business) to others etc, via your inside world, or inner being,
and what you possess in your inner being of your INSIDE will make good things to happen to you through your outside world]
Luke 6:31
31 And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise.
Train, exercise and practice your inside world [inner being] to be what you want your outside world to give, and reflect back unto you…
That inside world [Being the psychological status that makes up the 10 human attributes called the Ten sefirot in Hebrew].
The INSIDE world that is the inner being of a person which contains the (spiritual, emotional and psychological) vibrations of one’s status,
and that inner status was designed by God to transform the world which is OUTSIDE of you [us].
Remember that the world (mother earth, and the constellations in the universe) which is outside of your body,
functions through the seven earthly attributes that influences our weather, climate, atmosphere, seasons, night, day, earthly sphere, and earthly environment.
The expressions of how our outer world [atmosphere, storms, natural disasters, weather, global warmings, climate changes, earthy sphere etc,
are all a reflection that are activitated by our human Godly morals, or evil – immoral behaviors…
The TWO (our inside world, and the outside earthly enviroment, or outside world) were born in a single thought of their Creator.
And so, the two are intimately intertwined.
God’s people enslaved by Egypt:
The ancient Egyptians who enslaved (Israel) played bad and ugly. As much as we were bonded by their whip,
much more so were we imprisoned by the putrid environment (of evil currency, and immoral scales of deceit) which they had created.
We couldn’t get out of there without that environment being cleaned up via the ten plagues.
During the season called “TubShevat” (End of January, February / March) that is when the God of Israel awakens the 10 attributes [3 faculties and the 7 emotions] of every human soul in mother earth…
Those who are obedient to God’s commandments, and seasons will begin to awaken from their spiritual slumber, and (they begin to prepare for Passover),
so that they may adjust themselves towards their spiritual consciousness and senses of beginning to bear fruit that happens in February / Spring time (March / April)…
What happens to the wicked during this season?
Those who are disobedient towards God’s commandments will begin to gravitate towards the influence that makes God to frustrate their 10 sefirot, – by allowing the Ten plagues, natural disaster, judgement, God’s disaproval, bad omen, misfortune, and economical Crisis to begin to form,
and occur in their lives during the month February and March as we are going into the Celebration of Passover [that falls around March / April] that marks the beginning of God’s months on the Hebraic calendar (timetable).
– SPHERE – What does the word SPHERE mean?
February, March, April – Hebrew month = Shevat – Nisan, parshah..