Lets Pray for Daddy to come home: – (T C.Ngabo, God’s Court house)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Apostle Ngabo
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When the boy child realised how weak, and vulnerable the mother had become,
that is the reason why he took the mother’s hand as she sat on the floor crying, and said to her;
“mummy do not cry, let’s pray for daddy to come home”.
As the 6 year young old boy stood up looking at the mother who used to be strong in the presence of her husband,
She was now sitting on the floor crying, desperate, hopeless, weak, vulnerable and left alone, that was the reason why he took the hand of his mother and said these words to her;
Mummy, DON’T CRY let’s pray for daddy to come home…
Science has proven that;
Girl child:
Girls who grow up without the positive role model of their father, such girls are likely to become victims of sexual missuse,
sexually abused, extreme emotionalism, single mothers, end up in marriages, or attract relationships of wrong men,
and she will also fail to make the right choices concerning the men she dates,
unless a godly man comes along her way and breaks that cycle of hormonal imbalance of her fatherless childhood.
Boy child:
Boys who have lacked positive role model of a father’s upbringing in their homes,
Such male genetics can easily turn into victims who are emotionally driven (making choices that pleases the extrem feminism of the female’s emotional requirements),
psychologically failing to take decisions and make choices which are required from a masculine type of attitude.
A Male gender that is hindered (blocked) from fulfilling the mandate of passing on the legacy of its fore father’s cultural inheritance, Godly morals and cultural responsibility.
Some male who have had no father’s up bringing turn into criminals (menace to society) as a sign of revenging against their society because of not having a father figure (an example of truth that is revealed by a father).
“Pray for father to return home”:
I really believe that the social problems and challenges which we have in our communities, homes, families parliaments etc, are all a result of lack of positive moral father figures in our society.
As long as the father of this generation is being hijjacked by prostitutes, alcohol, slay queens, crime, behaviors of dishonesty, sexual immorlaity etc,