Joseph – Who was Joseph?
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Joseph is derived from the Latin form of Greek Ioseph,
from the Hebrew name “Yosef” meaning “He will add”, from the root Yasaf.
Through Joseph God added (or grafted in) the two sons of Joseph,
Mannesah and Ephraim to become, or to be among the 12 tribes.
Jacob declares his ownership that gave him the right to make Menasseh and Ephraim as his own children:
Genesis 48:5:
Your two sons, who were born here in Egypt before I came,
will be counted as my own sons. Ephraim and Manasseh will be my sons just as Reuben and Simeon are my sons.
On God’s calendar:
On God’s calendar Ephraim represents the 7th month called Tishrei,
And Manasseh represents the 4th month called Tamuz on God’s calendar.
What does the name Ephraim mean?
Genesis 41:52:
Joseph named the second son Ephraim and said, “God has given me children in the land of my troubles.”
The name Ephraim means Fruitfulness, to be fruitful or to bear fruit in the 7th month called Tishrei.
Genesis 41:51 Joseph named Manasseh meaning “God has made me forget entirely my troubles and my father”s house”;
Manasseh and Ephraim,
the sons of Joseph played the spiritual role,
and symbolic image that reflects the reconciliation of Africa back into the tree of Jacob’s family.
Here is the blessing that was pronounced over Joseph,
Which created room for Manasshe and Ephraim:
Genesis 49:22-26
22 “Joseph is like a grapevine that produces much fruit,
a healthy vine watered by a spring, whose branches grow over the wall.
23 Archers attack him violently and shoot at him angrily,
24 but he aims his bow well.
His arms are made strong.
He gets his power from the Mighty God of Jacob and his strength from the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel.
25 Your father’s God helps you. God Almighty blesses you.
He blesses you with rain from above, with water from springs below, with many babies born to your wives,
and many young ones born to your animals.
26 The blessings of your father are greater than the blessings of the oldest mountains,
greater than the good things of the long-lasting hills.
May these blessings rest on the head of Joseph,
on the forehead of the one who was separated from his brothers.