Inflation – What Is Inflation? – (Mindset Media News!)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Inflation is a rise in prices, which can be translated as the decline of purchasing power over time.
Inflation is the rate of increase in prices in certain period of time…
If inflation is occurring, leading to higher prices for basic necessities such as food, it can have a negative impact on the overall economy.
When a person increase the rate of his selling price to his customers with the intention of increasing his profit…
The negative effect that is caused by inflation, which may not be noticed right away,
But after a period of time, when the numerical increase in purchase has mounted up into a certain increased percentage,
that is when numerical damages (cost of living, the psychological negative effect caused by the increase in cost, worries, stress, hopelessness, metal distress, people living above the means of their accountability),
while some people are loosing their jobs, and the salaries, or income is just decreasing),
bank creditors intensifying their demand, going against those who have borrowed money, or taken any loans from their banks.
Such incidents starting to negatively, mentally and emotionally – affecting the victims who are trapped by the death grip of inflation…
The rate at which purchasing power drops can be reflected in the average price increase of a basket of selected goods and services over some time.
What causes inflation?
Inflation is caused by the private sector that focuses on rating their products,
and services by putting up the purchasing price with the agenda to maximize profit (greedy for profit making).
1 Timothy 6:10
For the love of money (greed for profit) is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed (gone astray) from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows (sadness, bankruptcy, financial crisis, inflation)…
In the time when inflation is affecting those that are hijacked by its rate and monopoly,
those that seem to be the inventors (conjures) of it (private companies),
will also be suffering the back firing effect which is generated by inflation and the greed of money…
Conflict of war (super powers going against their rivals), rumors of war, war in business (companies warfaring against each other).
Companies sueing each other and being sued by their clients because of the high level of deceit, human trafficking, lack of customer care, greed for profit, and corruption.
Because even when wars are being fought they are always private mega companies that are gaining out of that WAR…
(Consumers of guns, weapons, and bullets, and the private companies playing the role of making money out of that).
Competing against each other, sueing each other in courts of corrupted judges, scrambling for wealth, fighting for power, and striving so that the may expand their empires etc..
While on the other side of the Coin;
inflation is affecting the every day citizines, lack of jobs, cost of living increasing, cost of things focusing on the greed of profit making,
and the act of neglecting and failing to attend to the customer service, and caring for their wellbeing of their clients (communities) etc, becoming the order of how business is transcated…
Inflation is a measure of the rate of rising prices of goods and services in an economy.
Inflation can occur when prices rise due to increases in production costs, such as raw materials and wages.
A surge in demand for products and services can cause inflation as consumers are willing to pay more for the product.
Some private companies reap the rewards of inflation if they can charge more for their products as a result of the high demand for their goods.
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January, February, March, April – Hebrew month = Shevat – Nisan, parshah..