I saw death reaper hanging over mother Earth – What Is Inflation? – (Mindset Media News!)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Apostle Ngabo
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March 13th – 2024 – on 3rd of Adar II
And the Lord began to speak to me saying: Prayer, repentance and intercession is needed….
Jeremiah 9:21-24:
21 For death has come through our windows, Has entered our palaces, homes, families,
To kill off the children—, the youth and old…
The time for death to harvest those who have been celebrating its evil desires, those who are fornicating, committing sexual immorality, entering into the union of intermarriage with death,
those who have been giving (sowing seeds) into its evil plans (Easter, Fools Day, Halloween, Christmas, Sun god) getting intoxicated via its conjured spirits (Spirit of foolishness, deception, alcohol),
and also dancing at the beat of the music, entertainment that is composed by death (evil);
their harvest time is at hand!….
And another voice spoke to Apostle Ngabo and said;
Inflation is going to be used as the psychological, emotional stress, hopelessnes, distress, activation of depression and biological weapon to cardiac arrest many hearts….
Leviticus 19:29:
29 ‘Do not prostitute your daughter, to cause her to be a harlot, lest the land (country, Eretz, city) FALL into harlotry, and the land become full of wickedness (evil spirits, demonic energies).
The greed for money have reached the level of turning women into objects of sexual pleasure in movies, music videos, social media, merchandises sold to foreign countries as maids of prostitution etc,
this has put the land that we live in into a status of becoming owned by evil spirits of perversion, crime, and demonic activities of selfishness, homosexuality, lesbianism, pedophilia,
Due to the fact that humans have loved money, followed after the greed of money,
rejecting and going a way from the practises of their moral conduct of prayer, Godly behaviors, forsaking their duty of having Faith in God etc,
that is the reason why the death reaper have appeared as a reply to the insanity of our human evil deeds…..
Jeremiah 9:21-24:
21 For death has come through our windows, Has entered our palaces, To kill off the children—no longer to be outside!
And the young men—no longer on the streets!
22 Speak, “Thus says the Lord:
‘Even the carcasses of men shall fall as refuse on the open field, Like cuttings after the harvester, And no one shall gather them.’ ”
23 Thus says the Lord:
“Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches;
24 But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me,
That I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth.
For in these I delight,” says the Lord.
Prayer of intercession foe our earth (families, leaders, communities etc) will deliver us from God’s wrath…
2 Chronicles 7:14
if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land
Do not forget to keep God’s season!
January, February, March, April – Hebrew month = Shevat – Nisan, parshah..