Who determines the matrimony of two people before they get married?
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First of all; when it comes to what we call marriage, or the people who are getting married,
It must be God joining them into that unity of matrimony (marriage).
Their desire to get married must reflect and also be initiated by God’s Idea from heaven.
It is written in the scripture:
Genesis 2:18:
God said its not good for the man to be alone, I will make a [helper] comparable unto him….
Notice; that it was God’s idea, who desired first, that man should not be alone,
And because it was God who desired it for man, that is why God said;
I will make him a helper (not a wife), but a helper (soul mate)…
In Genesis 2:18:
After God had finished declaring that decree in heaven,
that is when the man (Adam), whose location was in mother earth at that time,
as in Genesis 2:20:
his mindset was stimulated and he got a desire where he felt (spiritually and psychologically),
that he desired to have a helper (soul mate – part of his soul became mated with his soul partner to be).
Most of the marriages that takes place in this earth 🌎, happen because of selfish ambitions, selfish motivated goals, and selfish desire.
Some people’s idea of marriage derives from Hollywood movies which portrays marriage as the means of seeking of one’s selfish ambitions,
People thinking only on what they can manipulate or get from their spouse.
And that is what the Bible calls sexual immorality (joined into the act of having sex, which derive its motive, and agenda from immorality).
Admin apostle Ngabo’s Note:
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