What is intermarriage? (Mindset Media News!)
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Intermarriage is the marriage that takes place between people of different ethnicity, races, castes, countries, or religions.
Intermarriage used as a political take over:
And due to some conflicts that some groups of ethnic traits had, conflicts that had transfomed and generated into the state of enmity,
racism, prejudice, discrimination, political rivals, tribal conflicts, competitors, antisemitism against another group of people,
that is why intermarriage was often used as a strategic way of gaining entrance into a nation,
that one group of people wants to corrupt, control, enslave, hijack, take possession, takeover, and also destroy (read Ezra 9:1-15).
The Nation of Sidon used the intermarriage of Jazebel (a Sidonian woman),
who married the king Israel called Ehab, and via that marriage, the nation of SIDON used it to corrupt Israel, to make Israel into a nation that worship foreign gods,
Commit sexual immorality, make Israel eat meat that is sacrificed to demons, and to also make the God of Israel forsake Israel because of their evil deeds.
Intermarriage is the act of marrying from another type of people (a foreigner from another country, ethnicity, a stranger,
married to a spouse who belongs to the nation of Israel, or one who believes in the God of Israel, or the one that belongs to a kingdom (nation) that they are aiming to destroy, colonize or take over.
And via the status of intermarriage, the (stranger, or foreigner) begins to oppose, to do witchcraft, to bring in spiritual husbands, or spiritual wives to hijack, to hinder progress, to rob the cultural inheritance,
to strive for leadership positions that gives that pagan (foreigner) total control over the wealth, govern political decisions, to colonize, to outdrain the spiritual resources, to enslave the young ones (next genrtaion of leaders, to discontinue the cultural heritage that runs through the lineage of the male gender, or father’s cutlural role, and moral responsibility),
to take over by planting their own tribe (ethnicity, genetic structure, culture) in positions of political leadership, and influence etc..
Ask apostle Ngabo any QUESTION concerning marriage
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