Tribalism is affecting Uganda negatively – Counsel & advice
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In Uganda there is type of tribalism that motivates (encourages) discrimination,
and it also under estimates, disregards, its fault finding, using conjured accusations to assassinate its victims.
This type of tribalism uses the attitude of down-grading other people’s effort and contribution.
Its aim is to frustrate team work, groups itself into gangs that are categolized into political units
(Political opinions, and cultural discrimination that is cultivated via the self ego of exegerated pride,
cultured genetics of arroagance that defines one’s resentment against other tribes, political opposition etc),
which is genetically structured to oppose those that do not belong to the same tribe.
When the white man colonized Africa, he used the strategic method of conjuring a type of political system,
which was used to make Africa into tribes that fights against each other, oriented towards an attitude that always wants compete,
grouping themselves into political groupings that focuses on dissagreement,
debates (arguments) that descriminates against others,
and exposing stand point of oppossition, and enemity against the tribe they dislike.
Family members, tribes failing to unite to develope their communities,
But instead they decide to use tribalism, insults, methods which degrades those who do not belong to the same tribe.
Platforms of comedians that use jokes which stimulates division, jokes that insults,
talks about the faults, mistakes condemning jokes etc, which are delivered via the arrogant statements of tribalism.
If we do not get rid of tribalism;
then Uganda’s need to develop is going to import united foreign work force,
that will bring in foreigners to do the work that tribalism in Uganda has failed to do.
And that same imported work force will end up disqualifying,
buying off and chasing a way the attitude of tribalism from it’s office of leadership.
6th sixth month Elul, August, September, fasting 40.days, Tishrie,Tishrei, Passover, Nissan, Adam Eden.
Exodus 18:14-16 – How to Elect and select godly leaders for your organization