The purpose of the Council of Ngabo – God’s Court-House
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God’s mandate that is upon The Council of Ngabo (God’s Court House);
The ministry functions in the apostolic authority of vision declaration,
and the oracle of the prophetic mantle to
Overthrow evil governments,
And to establish new leadership in Ministry that will do,
and fulfill the will and Kingdom of the God of Israel in the earthly realm.
What does the Council of Ngabo (God’s Courthouse) do?
Crowning God’s people with the
(keter) Crown of Leadership:
We ordain, inaugurate, academically teach, certificate, document,
giving letters of release, and sanctify God’s people,
so that the may take upon themselves the status of wearing the Minister’s mantle (anointing, covering),
that enables them to manifest forth the kingdom of God,
and to also function in their unique ministerial calling or gift.
Manifesting God’s Kingdom:
We academically, morally and practically teach;
Matthew 6:33
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
1 Corinthians 12:28
And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets,
third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings,
helps, administrations, varieties of tongues,
So that they may manifest and bring down God’s kingdom into mother earth.
Jeremiah 1:10
See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms,
To root out and to pull down, To destroy and to throw down,
To build and to plant.”
2020 to 2024 is a period of time when God is going to restore His fathership Dominion –
(Genesis 1:26),
Uniting the body of Yeshua (Christ) with the nation of Israel:
The mandate of the ministry is also involved in the reviving of God’s Spiritual protocol that makes up the structure of the patriarchs,
and the 24 elders – as it’s written in –
(Revelation 4:4).
Bringing into manifestation The 72 expressions of Adam, reviving their animism,
and also restoring them back into their spiritual order in the cosmos and over the entire earth.
Prayer School and Academy:
And via the constituted letters that apostle Ngabo has been writing since 2005 until this period of time (2020 to 2024),
God is equipping His people (Holy saints) via the The cademic School of prayer;
and upon the lives of those that are prophetically inaugurated via our ministry,
God is pouring out His spirit that will enable them to enforce His will, using their ability of prophecy via the prayer Altar.
God’s academy used to educate & equip skills:
The skills and talents that serving under God’s obedience, ordaination and inauguration,
will be used to lay the spiritual architect, psychological infrastructure,
build, fashion, design, administrate, and manage the 12 systems which are concealed in a well-functioning government.
Our academy called – The visionary school of leaders,
is here to equip God’s people into the status of becoming ministers of God’s kingdom,
and we are also constituting regions into the status of becoming God’s provinces.
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