Prt 2 – What causes sicknesses & diseases?
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On a Psychological level:
All the mental dysfunctions of (hyper-reactive syndrome, Tourettes, schizophrenia,
mental illness, paranoia, selfish traits of stubbornness, stress, depression, witchcraft, disobedience, all derive from the fact we were birthed via the womb that is sick (separated from God),
and the misfortunate thing is that;
most of us are mothered, cultivated, and nurtured by the negative energies of extreme emotionalism, extreme feminism, going through life with the lack of a true father figure, and amoral, or godly discipline.
On an emotional level:
Reactions of violence, anger, jealousy, envy, bitterness, refusal to forgive, swing moods, sexual immorality, homosexuality sexuality,
acts of divination, witchcraft, gossip, sorcery, disobedient to parents and God,
violence, conflicts, lack of trust, insult, revenge, competition in business,
political groups in opposition against each other, covetousness, etc, become the result…
On the level of making decisions, which becomes the habits that are practiced:
Such people who are in that type of negative Immoral state of being,
they become victims and easily turned into customers or consumers of harmful products.
Such victims will easily give up their father’s inheritance, and also throw away (or give up) God’s moral way of living,
so that they may exchange it for the pursuit of material wealth,
the following of the astrology of horoscope, synchronized series of misfortunes that are concealed in the astrological reverence of goddess Eve (female nature of Evil),
The seeking for pleasure, wild parties, drunkenness,
responding quickly to selfish desires (fantasies, evil words),
and the temptations that justify (agree) with the animalistic traits of the (flesh) become one’s purpose in life.
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