Omen – What is an OMEN? – Counsel & advice
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An Omen is an event regarded as a portent of good or evil.
“the ghost’s appearance was an ill omen”.
Ephesians 2:2
in which you once walked according to the course (energy of frequency,
satanic time table evil, astrology of the necromancers, evil omen, negative predictions, nocturnal evil frequency of the night),
of this world, according to the prince of the power of the AIR, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience,
The evil omen is that which pertains to the emotional negative reactions of pride, arrogance, disobedience,
and rebellion which is (against the laws, the Shabbatical seasons, calendar, new moons, full Moon’s, and the astrological time table of the God of Israel).
That which trods or goes in the path (opposition) opposite direction) with the agenda to counterfeit (oppose) the path of the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Adam.
Is omen good or bad?
An Omen is a good or bad (event, circumstance, influence, energy) that is contained in the social activities, and one’s environmental surrounding- AIR, radiation),
being the type of omen which can befall a person depending on the season (time, day, night, month, year, or week) that occurs via the astrological program of a calendar.
These omens can reflect themselves in form of a blessing, or a curse,
depending on the event, situation, connection, social activity, friends, spiritual presence, business transaction,
angelic presence, season) that the person is going through or practicing at that given appointed time.
Omens may be considered either good or bad depending on their interpretation.
According to the calendar (astrological time-table) that a person follows,
that will also become the omen that pertains to the life circle (events) that occurs in one’s life.
Hebrew God’s calendar:
The Hebrew (Jewish) calendar is related to the OMEN of good, blessings, God’s favor, positive charism etc..
Thr Pagan calendar:
The pagan secular calendars like;
The Gregorian calendar (with Monday, Tuesday, January March, April etc,
the Chinese calendar, the calendar that the Muslims use,
those are calendars that follows the OMEN which is related to the horoscope (negative predictions) of one’s iniquity (accident, bad luck, inherited evil forces of sin, curses, misfortune etc).
The same sign (omen) may be interpreted differently by different people or different cultures.
Depending on the culture, and the universal astrological time table that a culture follows,
Omens are always interpreted to define the spiritual status of the person’s star,
and to describe the language of the constellation (stars, planets, sun, moon),
that pertains to the projecting of the life’s events concerning one’s life.
Deuteronomy 30:19
I call heaven (universe) and earth as witnesses today against you,
that I have set before you life and death,
blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;
Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.
A person’s life is a circle of events that happens in the formula of good or bad, blessings or curses, life or death,
occurring as they are reflected (revealed, predicted, prophesied, and projected) via the universe (constellations) that makes up the 365 days, year,
night and day, months, weeks, and Shabbatical calculations that governs one’s life.
Depending on the teachers (mentors, leaders, parenthood, godly governance, spiritual covering etc) that speaks into someone’s life,
On the positive side of the coin:
the speech spoken, will become the prediction (OMEN) of good (God’s blessings, favor etc), if it’s a godly person speaking.
On the Negative side of the coin:
OR; the (OMEN) can become a Bad (evil sign, Satan, death, misfortune, divination, and curses),
which are declaired upon one’s life, if its an evil (non well wisher, jealousy) person speaking.
For example, a superstition in the United States and other countries across Europe indicates that a black cat is an omen of bad luck.
Via the omen of horoscope (pagan calendars), a black cat crossing in front of someone, that is a sign of bad luck.
An evil and bad omen can bring bad luck (misfortune), which can lead someone into the making of bad choices,
having wrong sexual partners, loosing money in business, haunted by an evil spirit of debt,
rejection, accidents, distress, bating (throwing a way money in wrong investments),
affected by mental illness, desolation, depression, poverty, spiritual husband,
extreme emotionalism, sicknesses, hormonal imbalance, negative names that they call someone etc.
But according to God’s (Hebrew calendar), such evil omens of bad luck has no power over God’s people.
Numbers 23:23
“For there is no sorcery against Jacob, Nor any divination against Israel.
It now must be said of Jacob And of Israel, ‘Oh, what God has done!’
6th sixth month Elul, August, September, fasting 40.days, Tishrie,Tishrei, Passover, Nissan, Adam Eden.
Exodus 18:14-16 – How to Elect and select godly leaders for your organization