Memorandum of agreement – What is a memorandum of agreement? – Counsel & advice
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A memorandum of understanding is a document of agreement that enables two,
or more people who are starting to work as team, to agree on certain things,
Because each person in the agreement have personal relating convictions,
interests, godly morals, goals, desires, and cultural obligations that they would like to bring into the business or organization.
By signing a memorandum of understanding, the two people who come to work as a team, write down the things
(collective goals, plans, changes, mission and the achievements) that they want to achieve together…
A Memorandum of Understanding should have the following features:
Identify the parties:
It should specify the name of the parties between whom the memorandum of understanding is being signed.
It should clearly specify the purpose and the goals for which the memorandum is being signed.
Why is it important to sign a memorandum of understanding?
Without a memorandum of understanding, conflicts can arise coming from diversions,
raising of new different ideas, expectations that does not lineup with the agreement, the spirit of foolishness,
cultural conflicts, love of money bringing people into arguments over money,
contentions that are caused by different spiritual beliefs, environemental energies (spiritual influences) that roams in AIR,
and the selfishness which can drive some of the members into selfish ambitions that neglects,
despices, discriminates (turning into groups that gangs up against those they dislike, coming from different tribe (cultured traits),
undermining other people’s status), neglecting the protocol of mutual respect,
due to the attention of fame that a person has achieved, expressing behaviors that destructs the harmony of team work etc.
The memorandum understanding helps the people in the agreement to resolve issues,
to apply the attribute of mutual respect, mutual exchange, to reconcile, repair, revive, forgive each other,
and work towards the fulfilment of their positive moral obligations (attributes, laws, motives) and collective goals.
And when ever the members in the team return back, or rehearse the agreement to each other,
the document takes them back to the convictions (agenda),
which made them to decide to sign that memorandum of understanding in the starting point of their organization or company.
After an MOU has been signed;
then concept letters (designed architect that formulates ideas into structured concepts),
can safely be exchanged among trusted members who are working towards a collective MOU.
6th sixth month Elul, August, September, fasting 40.days, Tishrie,Tishrei, Passover, Nissan, Adam Eden.
Exodus 18:14-16 – How to Elect and select godly leaders for your organization