Male and Female attributes in business (shareholding) – counseling & advice article
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– Learning how the female attributes works in unity with the male attributes to achieve the identity of companionship (company).
The word company derives from the word called “Companionship”.
The companionship which occurs between the sower of seed (male – law and order),
and the other one (female, land) that transforms the seed into its nurtured state of fruitfulness…
And the status companionship is made up of the combination of male and female.
You should remember that;
A company is liken unto a child, that needs both male and female parenthood input that enables the child (company) to increase, progress, and succeed.
The ability to do exchange via balanced (moral or godly) negotiations is concealed in the male,
Whereas a woman may get carried a way (via her ovarries, emotions) to give in into the deceptive tricks of the negotiator,
to the level where she mighty overlook, or neglect the godly laws and moral values that guides,
and protects her spiritual identity and physical inheritance via the art of barter exchanging.
The guided moral attributes of a female (guided by the male architecture genetic design and moral objectives),
can be able to multiply the economical fruitfulness (financial increase) that parttains to the ecosystem of that company.
The male character in business may afford (possess the ability) to uphold the moral laws that sustains a business model of corporative, social, responsibility,
Whereas the female on the other hand;
her way of doing business may strictly focus on making money, so that she may feed her children,
as long as the money is coming in to take care of her own children,
She may not care much about what happens to the children of others.
The female nature in business may also focus on being showered with the praises, and rewards that praises her contribution,
and that sense of entitlement may corrupt and turn her into person that will compete,
take the man’s contribution and claim that its all her doing, the attitude of extreme feminism,
and its concern will start to refuse to give mutual respect to the male gender etc…
The methods of hard work, and disciplined principles which governs the intergrity,
and just measure of the economical matrix (percentage) may be compromised by the female gender (in a home, and in the social transactions of her barter exchnge),
due to the fact that;
when God gave the commandment of paying the 10 percent,
(of not eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil), he gave that commandment to man,
And man was supposed to transmit it, or teach it to the woman.
The emphasis of the male moral responsibilities, cultural and godly objectives (or duty),
which are required and demanded from a business model,
those requirements are demanded to come from the male’s moral intergrity or contribution in business.
The motion and expressions of erotic in a woman’s behavior (dressing code) can easily go wild,
go out of control, look indicent, become sexually provocative,
use her sexual passions, sexual appearance, sexual expressions,
and sexual attraction while doing transactions in the market of business,
via a female gender that is not guided by male governance.
The bachelor’s degree:
Through the bachelor’s degree, the male’s requirements that sustains the corporative Social Responsibility of a business are rehearsed,
revised, put into the formula of commandments,
and duty toward the male figure via the bachelor’s degree…
Bachelorette degree:
The covenant:
The bachelorette degree is the responsibility of utelizing the positive cultural norms of the female’s father’s house,
and godly moral principles of God to prepare women for marriage,
and to also use the same structured principles to sustain the women’s emotional attitude to be able to honor her marriage rights,
to be sensitive towards moral order that governs the male’s inheritance,
and to use her helping abilities to sustain, progress and prolong the male’s inheritance via her marriage.
The bachelorette degree also enables the female to be able to do business that benefits the moral structure of the ecosystem of her community.
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