What causes extreme emotionalism?
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The root of emotional imbalance; it all started on a spiritual level first,
and after that;
It then it took on a psychological and physical effect later.
Most of the negative side effects of emotional imbalances take place during the period when women get their monthly periods (menstrual seasons).
And why is that?
because the very first menstruation that was experienced by the woman,
It all began with Eve at the very moment when she ate the forbidden fruit in the garden in Eden…
When she ate from the forbidden tree of tithe, that is when she aborted (misscarriaged) the time clock ⏰,
(Holy seasons, calendar, Hebrew months of God) from her ovaries.
Since that time until now;
When the women get their periods (menstruations), that is when they are also affected by emotional imbalance,
which makes women to jump out of their right emotional balance, putting them into the status of swing moods.
And on top of that;
The western part of the world uses the women’s periods to merchandise their pharmaceutical drugs,
Turning the female gender into faithful consumers (buyers) of their drugs.
On the negative side of the coin;
The same pharmaceutical drugs that are sold to the women,
ends up causing a lot of negative side effect in her ovaries, leading to a lot of hormonal imbalances,
distress, depression, resentment towards the male gender,
Extreme feminism,
Admin apostle Ngabo’s Note:
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