On the New Moon (first day) of Nisan on God’s Hebraic calendar, which falls around March / April,
During that seson in history;
That was when the temptation of Satan which tempted the woman (Eve) in Genesis 3:1-6,
resulted into the biological conflict which aborted Godliness (God’s plan) from the woman’s ovaries.
And that was when the woman got her very first menstruation periods:
The very first periods which displayed the woman’s status of miscarriage (flow of blood coming from the woman’s ovaries),
occurred on the New Moon of Nisan on God’s Hebrew Calendar (falling around March / April)…
And at that point of time;
Eve also conceived Satan’s evil plan in her ovaries via the act of disobedience when she ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
And since that time;
Every woman that is born in mother earth gets the periods of menstruation which comes every month,
deriving its origin from the disobedient act of eating from the tree of knowledge of God and evil…
(That also explains the negative side effects of hormonal imbalance that women get during their periods)
Among the pagan cultures which worships different gods;
the season of Nisan that falls (around March / April) became a dedication to the goddess know as IShtar (Queen of heaven), Ashtoreth, Eastre who is also called Easter – Easteroth.
1 Kings 11:33
because they have forsaken Me, and worshiped Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians…
Jeremiah 7:18
The children gather wood, the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for [Ishtar] the queen of heaven;
and they pour out drink offerings to other gods, that they may provoke Me to anger.
The goddess of sexual immorality, abortion, miscarriage, goddess of war, who fights against God’s male gender,
being the goddess Easteroth, who was honoured via the pagan Festival called “Easter”.
to whom they sacrificed young babies, people committed sexual immorality in honor of her, and they ate foods sacrificed to idols (other gods)…
1 Kings 16:31
…Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Sidonians; and he went and served Baal and worshiped him.
Even Jezebel who married king Ahab of Israel, she saduced God’s people into the evil acts of commiting sexual immorality, and keeping Easter-
that woman Jezebel was from Sidon where Easteroth (Ashtoreth) was worshiped as a goddess.
ISHTAR (Easteroth) was the goddess that claimed the blood of young babies,
which was spilled from the women’s ovaries through miscarriage, abortion, some were murdered and killed in her honor.
Passover was Instituted to purify humanity from the evil forces of Easteroth (Easter):
That is the reason why Passover (the Jewish, Hebraic celebration) called “Pesach”,
that falls around the same season (March /April was Instituted to destroy Easter the counterfeit.
During the same season (Nisan – Passover seven days of eating unleavened bread);
the son of God (Yeshua) was crucified, died and resurrected from the dead to atone, take away, to redeem,
and to also bring salvation (YESHUA) to those who were captivated by Satan’s evil plans, and mothered by goddess Easteroth.