Emotional support
Really! what is emotional support?
Emotional support;
from the western point of view means to aid, to give support to, to help out, to mother, to foster the emotions,
so that the emotions which have come for support may be fed, understood,
and most of the time; these emotions (fallen countenance) that seek support ends up being justified.
Now! Concerning the ways on how to deal with emotions;
One can not fully be successful to give the right emotional support,
if God’s positive attributes (like forgiveness, generosity, sadakah, respect, obedience, prayer,)
and God’s wise counsel are not included in the method of supporting those who need emotional support.
What causes emotional distress in the western societies?
Most of these emotional distress that people suffer from derive from the fallen countenance, selfishness,
breaking of God’s biblical laws, love of money, materialistic lifestyle, narcissistic traits,
extreme feminism which nurtured the extreme emotionalism of a child without the father’s guidance,
caring only for one’s self centered interests, and the immorality that is ligalized by the politicians in the western society.
In the western society there are well trained fields (of social welfare, psychologists, pharmaceutical prescriptions etc),
that deals with divorce, dividing of families, working the psychological area of manipulating, cultivating,
and enticing emotions so that they may accept same sex relations, homosexuality, social challenges dealt with in a Western way,
disqualifying of parental guidence in families, organizations that support gender disorder (dysphoria),
and all these professional offices; all of them fall into the catigory of “emotional support”.
This is where the societies that follow the concept of democracy,
or those who invented democracy (the Greeks/Romans) have built their hidden agenda that promotes democracy in something that is called “emotional support” .
Parental guidence under the European western structure called “democracy”:
If a child comes saying;
father! I want to go out with my friends to party,
in a Western world of democracy, you as a father you can not question that emotion or intuition,
You have to just support it, so that it may get want it wants.
If a child says to his/her father;
Father! Am gay (homosexual, lesbian), the father has no right to correct that child, he only has to support that emotional request….
If your son comes to you saying that; “I feel like a man in woman’s body”,
You as a father, you can not question, or try to correct that emotion,
You have to just support it, so that you can become a good father who does not oppose the legislated laws of the western (European) political colonial masters.
If we are looking at the right way of bringing up our children;
“One does not have to support emotions but on the contrary”;
you convert emotions, Foster, teach, father, discipline, tame them, so that they can turn into attributes which are positive,
healthy, psychologically beneficial to the whole eco system and existence of a person’s life.
Rember that;
Every human being is a living soul, and a spirit with a mindset in a physical body.
One’s emotions are the every outer expressions of feelings that are concealed in one’s self centered ego (animalistic traits),
Which may be wanting to revenge, resent, be suspicious, disrespect, wanting to get back at someone, to slander someone, narcissistic,
emotional feelings of hormonal imbalance, gender disorder, racism, distrust, swing moods,
desires wanting to express jealousy, desires of wanting to compete, refusing to forgive, wanting to gossip, hate speech etc.
These are the same emotions that wants to act out and express themselves with out analysing,
or being accountable for the negative consequences that will become an out come after when those negative emotions are expressed.
Our human moral attributes are the ones that needs to be supported:
A healthy home and community works hard to impliment moral rules, regulations, and guidelines which can support,
and aid their members into the status of changing their emotions into positive attributes.