Economy – What is Economy – (Mindset Media News!)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Apostle Ngabo
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Lets first put this in mind;
Economy is not finances, neither is it money…
Then; what is Econmy?
“Economy explained in its perspective of Spiritual, psychological, Mindset and Biological Truth”..
Economy is the ability (competence, capacity, knowledge that equips one’s attributes of social enterprice),
which enables a person to be able to Mutual Exchange, and barter trade his or her attributes of honesty,
faithfulness, time keeping, respect, honor, intergrity, excellence, commitment, morality, ethical conduct, authenticity, truth etc,
which is practiced via the CULTURE of doing business (accountability of exchanging one thing for another).
Ezekiel 18:7
If he has not oppressed anyone (not contributed his energy towards the influence that leads to inflation), But has restored to the debtor his pledge;
Has robbed no one by violence, But has given his bread to the hungry And covered the naked with clothing;
Economy is the frequently practiced character (habitual traits) that multiplies one’s numerical metrix…
Genesis 1:28
Then God BLESSED them [Empowerd them to prosper], and God said to them,
“Be FRUITFUL and MULTIPLY; fill the earth and SUBDUE it;
have dominion (governance) over the fish of the SEA, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
Economy is the status of being fruitful (state of bearing fruit), which is practiced via the culture,
and Godly traits that can develop, make better, increase, improve, and multiply one’s identity of numerical value…
Psalm 15:5 characterizes a righteous man as one who, among other things, lends his money without usury (high interets rate)…
The Culture of Economy can enable a person to mutual exchange, (or barter trade) one thing for another using the honesty scales of EPHAH (Omer)…
Things to avoid:
Avoid using dishonest scales while doing business in the area of (exchanging one for another).
Because such negative traits will bring a person’s character into the status known as “sin” .
Colossians 2:14:
14 having wiped out the “SIN” [handwriting of requirements that was against us],
which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it’s (DEBT) to the cross.
SIN = (iniquity or immorality that transforms into numerical debt, the the status of making wrong choices via art of using money.
affected by the curse of inflation, becoming a victim that is trapped by the evil snares of being a consumer of USURY (high interets rate),
Easily decieved and enslaved by other people’s dishonest scales),
While the victim himself is also doing business that serves the dishonest scales of his masters.
Dishonest scales =
Evil service providers, taxi collectors that are corrupted, lovers of money, bank loans with high interets rate, human trafficking,
doing business that serves (the algorithm, law of attraction) of the private interests of other selfish business owners –
[unclean merchant, worshiper of Baal, being a canaanite in the art of exchange business].
A person who does not care for the wellbeing of his clients, and commuinty; one who only cares for the selfish greed of making profit etc.
Article written by Apostle Ngabo for Conscious lifestyle.
Article written by Apostle Ngabo for Conscious lifestyle.
Passover Nisan, Marck April, 50 days omer. Fifty