Economical current (currency) that flows to uphold, and sustain community developments…. – (Mindset Media News!)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Apostle Ngabo
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This article exposes the source of economical current (currency) that flows to enhance positive cultural developments, Godly moral values, organic structure, and good social activities that makes up a good (Godly) community…
Proverbs 29:2
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice [because the righteous enables the people to access the current energy flow of previllages that solves the needs of the people];
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan [suffer, cry for justice that they can’t access].
Psalm 37:16-17
16 A little that a righteous man has
Is better than the riches of many wicked.
17 For the arms [strength] of the wicked shall be broken, But the Lord upholds the righteous.
The good deeds of the righteous flows through the currency (current energy) of economical progress, investments that empowers justice (moral courts of law that defends the moral Godly human rights) of;
morality, team work, honest business transactions, barter exchange, disciplined system of hard work, social activities etc, whose aim is targeted towards community development.
How does the righteous invest?
The investimate of the righteous plays the role of aiding, supporting, defending, building and making, or [enabling] good social activities, Philanthropic projects, positive cultural activities,
festivals that upholds the Godly structure of families, academic structures, institutions, schools, Godly marriages, administration, management and developments to occur in a community.
In which areas does the wicked focus their investiments?
But the riches of the wicked will always support the evil energy flow that promotes evil businesses, bad habits, unhealth eating habits, sexual immorality, human trafficking, bars where people become drunkards, intermarriages, commiters of adultery, blocking of positive (Godly) progress in one’s community…
Purpose of 2024!
Year 2024 is the year that demands humanity on a global scale to write down their objectives, plan and visualized image of the energy flow, and spiritual source of one’s economical current flow,
so that one may be able to invest, maintain the right direction (path, seasons, economic time table),
and also be able to sustain the excellence, intergrity, and honesty scales of one’s economical currency, progress, prospect, prosperity and success.
Hebrew month = Sivan – Nisan, Yitro Jethro parshah..