Easter is pagan Babylonian festival that derives it’s rituals from the pagan worship of goddess Easteroth (Eastre, Ishtar, Inanna, or Ashtoreth – also known as mother and child).
Easteroth was worshiped as the queen of heaven, the mother of nature, fertility, sex, and the deity of springtime.
Spring time being the season which (falls around March / April):
In the ancient worship of this goddess, people (pagans) used to sacrifice young babies, do abortion to spill blood, and scrifice pigs;
by putting the killed babies upon the lap of this idol as illustrated in the picture.
And this was done so that the blood from these babies may run down towards her feet, and paint the eggs red which they had put on the platform before her feet.
Why did they have eggs laid close to her feet?
The easter eggs represented the human cycle of life, or the female egg which is released for fertilisation every month via the woman’s ovaries.
What’s the meaning of the blood that runs down her feet which paints the eggs red?
The blood which ran down from the idol eastre’s lap, running down her feet, – painting all the eggs red;
represented the misfortunes of life (horoscope, bad omen, pagan calendar, or the Gregorian calendar),
which aids and supports the women’s emotions by cultivating, and generating them into hormones (state of hormonal imbalance) that forces them into the status of choosing to abort their babies, miscarry,
and sacrifice their babies for the sake of pursuing after success, career, riches, fame etc.
An immoral woman who is after materialistic gain, love of money, using the tricks of harlotry to trap men.
Leviticus 19:29:
29 ‘Do not prostitute your daughter, to cause her to be a harlot, lest the land fall into harlotry, and the land become FULL of WICKEDNESS.
She uses men as her income, lovers that gives her sexual pleasures, destroyer of Godly marriages,
being the one that Eastre uses to defile the land, and fill the land with demons, negative energies, evil spirits, and curses.
like unto how bunnies behave sexually during the season of springtime (March / April),
let humans be filled with wild sexual desires during Easter, that ends up into wild sexual parties, sexual immorality, practices of orgies etc…
In the book Judges 2: 13-15,
Ashteroth – Easteroth brought a spirit of poverty, distress, defeat and God’s wrath upon Israel.
In fact, this is where the painting of eggs on Easter derives its rituals from.
In the celebration of Easter, eggs are painted to symbolize the spiritual meaning of Easter.
Easter falls in the season of springtime (March / Aprril), commemorating the pagan counting or census,
which begins on Easter and finishes on the celebration of the pagan festival of the maypole.