Dream of warning 1st day Sukkot – (T C.Ngabo, God’s Court house)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Message of warning from Heaven (17th Thursday October 2024)!
Apostle Ngabo’s Dream that came unto him on the very first of sukkot 2024 – (Sukkot, the feast of Tabernacles has 7 days)..
I was traveling in my dream, but the path-ways where we traveled from were being road blocked by organized crime coming from the youth,
(and the type of techonology, weapons, demanding of money, corruption which was exercised on this roads was on its stinking level).
When I reached to the place which was like a school, the students there were carrying out all different kinds of immoral behaviors.
The wicked acts of rapping each other, violence (Hamas) of all kinds were taking place, sexual immorality, fornication, homosexuality, hate speech, the language of insult, cursing, using of the F**** word,
the vulgar type of music which was vibrating in the AIR, the entertainment which was influencing the youths attitude (mindset),,
the democracy and human rights of behaving like NONSENSE had reached its climaxed level of going out of control…
It was very hard to choose where to start from to be able stop such evil, it was uncontrollable, it had spilled out of control.
And all I did was to start to CRY out loud, groaning, weeping, sighing, repenting and calling unto to God’s help and intervention…
And as I was REPENTING and crying in my prayers, those youth who were around in the school premises started to feel ashamed, stopped what they were doing, being convicted of their evil behaviors,
And right away they began to move towards me as I was praying via the intense utterances of repentance..
And the voice of the Lord spoke to my Spirit and said:
Ezekiel 9:4-5:
4 and the Lord said to him, “Go through the midst of the city (lifestyle), through the midst of Jerusalem, and put a MARK on the foreheads of the MEN who sigh (those doing the repentance, who are weary, tired,) and crying over all the abominations that are done within it.”
5 To the others He said in my hearing, “Go after him through the city and kill; do not let your EYE spare, nor have any pity.
2 Chronicles 7:14
if My people who are called by My NAME will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face (Countenance), and turn away from their wicked ways,
then I will HEAR from heaven, and will FORGIVE their sin and HEAL their land (mother earth, Eretz).
Jeremiah 9:21-24:
21 For DEATH has come through our windows, Has entered our palaces, To kill off the children—no longer to be outside! And the young men—no longer on the streets!
22 Speak, “Thus says the Lord:
‘Even the carcasses of men shall fall as refuse on the open field, Like cuttings after the harvester, And no one shall gather them.’ ”
23 Thus says the Lord:
“Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches;
24 But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, That I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the EARTH.
For in these I delight,” says the Lord.
Tishrie the 7th month (Sept/Oct)
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