Done that, Been there, But Sadness seems to overwhelm my FACE (Mindset Media News)
Short article:
I tasted all that is Sweet, but I found nothing Sweeter than good health. I tasted all that was bitter, but nothing was more bitter than being in need of good people.
I carried both, Iron and Rocks, but nothing was heavier than debt. I discovered that life comprises of two days; A day for you and a day against you.
So when it is for you, do not be reckless; and when it is against you, be patient. Because both days will expire!
*If you can’t be a Bridge to connect people, then don’t be a wall to separate them.*
*If you can’t be a light to brighten people’s good deeds then don’t be the darkness covering their efforts.*
*If you can’t be a Vaccine to give life, don’t be a Virus to terminate it.*
We can only be each other’s keepers. 👌🏽
Taken from the Circulating information from What’s app
Inspiring & Wise Counsel:
Promoting the positive FACE of Uganda and Africa at large…